Friday, October 03, 2008

We Have Sinned

Peace they say. Prosperity they say. God will not judge America.
Before anything bad happens we will be raptured. They seldom cry out
about the sin of America. Their 501c3 contract with the state says
they are not allowed to preach against the sin of America. It is
against the state church contract to preach against the political
corruption, the homosexuality, the pornography, the 40 million
abortions. It is against the state church contract to preach against
the bombing of the Christians in Kosovo, and the innocent civilians
in Afghanistan, and the great slaughter in Iraq.

The day of the ear tickling preaching of jokes, and what the people
want in time of prosperity, is fast coming to a close. The people
need FAITHFUL praying men of God who KNOW and preach the Word of God.
The men of God should be giving untainted TRUTH. Only the truth can
help people to be able to stand in the coming judgment. Only the
truth will help solve the doubts. Do not even try to tell me the lost
and unconverted don't want convicting, straight preaching. I tell you
that is a LIE. The false shepherds, and false teachers, and false
prophets, will soon pay dreadfully for that lie. Read Jeremiah
chapter 23 and Ezekiel 34.

Ezekiel 23 describes how, like America today, Israel's prophets and
priests had become ravening wolves. They grew rich on innocent souls,
saying we should tolerate Islam, that Harry Potter is OK, that Ophra
Winfrey is OK, that pre-emptive wars of aggression are OK, and
contradicting the Word of God with their version of the
"Left Behind" series. They profane God's holiness, seeing no
difference between the clean and unclean. They close their eyes to
sin, preach lies, and falsely claim, "Thus saith the Lord." Today,
more than ever in history, the Lord is searching for godly men and
women of prayer like Daniel. God will hear faithful servants, who are
willing to "stand in the gap," through prayer. Like Daniel, such a
person will be found with God's word in his hand.
God is searching the nation, looking for those who pour diligently
over His Word. Such servants are not merely looking for Bible
knowledge. They are seeking spiritual power, victory over sin, and
truth that sets free. They see clearly what's happening in the land,
because they recognize it from God's word. Once the Lord finds such
people, He blesses them with a spirit of prayer. Such people of the
Word and prayer identify themselves with the guilty. Daniel knew
God's people were in denial regarding the truth of God's judgment.
Yet Daniel, did NOT bad mouth the people for their sins. No - Daniel
identified himself with the moral decay all around him. He declared,
"We have sinned,,,to us belongeth confusion of face...because we
have sinned against thee...[we] have committed iniquity, and have
done wickedly" (Daniel 9:5, 8). Powerful intercession involves
IDENTIFICATION with the sin and taking personal responsibility,
not absolving oneself by blaming others.

Daniel involves himself, and identifies with the sin that he sees.
Daniel says WE and not They. We saw all the moral degradation in our
land. And we saw our shepherds looking out for their own interests.
We see our whole society racing toward destruction. Yet we did not
turn to prayer. If we had only been praying, God would have turned us
from our sins. He even waited on us, making glorious promises to
restore us. But we did not give Him any time. Instead, we just kept
drifting slowly away from Him, becoming satisfied, and going along
with, and even practicing the sins of our wicked society. That is why
God's judgments are coming upon us.

Jer 8:20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not

exerpt /Jims Searcy yahoo groups


  1. (Please pardon my sarcasim)...We "christians" here in the US have given ourselves over to believe we have a better plan than God's original one that does not lie; the one that is coming, like it or not. We conveniently choose Replacement Theology so we get to do whatever we want (because God loves everyone), smile and go to church on Sunday, look at our great big beautiful homes we are so "blessed with" because we attended the local Prosperity Church Conference. We get to tolerate everyone regardless of what religious background one might be (what kind christians are we if we don't?). And plus on top of that, we get to heaven too. Wow, we are so good.

    "Today there are approximately 100 million American church members who have very little to no understanding of Bible prophecy. These church members are from replacement theology churches that don't teach Bible prophecy and who look at prophetic scriptures as allegorical and not literal. Consequently, they do not understand the importance of Israel to the God of Israel or God's redemptive plan for Israel and the nations.

    These church members also have no understanding of the biblical significance of what is transpiring today in Israel, Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, and in other Middle East nations. They are also not aware of the significance of the formation of the European Union, new ID technologies and much more."

    Below is a list of the 25 largest churches in America. The churches that are highlighted in bold are confirmed replacement theology churches. We are still attempting to confirm a few of the smaller church positions.

    The Church

    U.S. Membership Denominational Ranking: Largest 25 Denominations/Communions --2004 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches

    1. The Roman Catholic Church - 66,407,105
    2. Southern Baptist Convention - 16, 427, 736
    3. The United Methodist Church - 8,251,042
    4. The Church of God in Christ - 5,499,875
    5. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 5,410,544
    6. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - 5,038,006
    7. National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. - 5,000,000
    8. National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. - 3,500,000
    9. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - 3,407,329
    10. Assemblies of God - 2,687,366
    11. The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod - 2,512,714
    12. African Methodist Episcopal Church - 2,500,000
    13. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America - 2,500,000
    14. Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc. - 2,500,000
    15. The Episcopal Church - 2,333,628
    16. Churches of Christ, Corsicana, Texas - 1,500,000
    17. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America - 1,500,000
    18. Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. - 1,500,000
    19. American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. - 1,484,291
    20. African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church - 1,430,795
    21. United Church of Christ - 1,330,985
    22. Baptist Bible Fellowship International - 1,200,000
    23. Christian Churches and Churches of Christ, Joplin, Mo. - 1,071,616
    24. Jehovah's Witnesses - 1,022,397
    25. Church of God, Cleveland, Tenn., - 944,857

  2. Thats good !

    The reason they are where they are is they love lies more than God the truth.
    I have many family member who are not willing to leave the 'family religion' because it would cost them too much to leave.
    Its easier to sit in a pew and hear religious lies and garbage and go out and play and fool around.
    We don't want to give up our idols and so our eyes and hearts are BLINDED.
    To follow the narrow way there is much we have to give up and it's easier to find a belief system like evolution or some other religion that meets our self centered 'needs'.

    The great majority of Israel is in the same delusion and bondage
    They go to the devil for peace so they don't have to go to God.

    Here is what I wrote to an Israeli journalist who does not understand why Israel's leaders want to surrender God's land to those intent on their destruction.

    She asks ;
    'THE QUESTION is, why has this been the case?'

    My response to her ;
    Do you really want the answer ?

    Because Israel is in a bad marriage to U.S. Foreign Policy and her masters dictate Israel's death by surrender and appeasment for a nonexistent peace.
    It's easy to make the connection going back to 1993 where the plan to dismember and exterminate Israel under the lie of peace was sealed on the White House lawn with Rabin and the Killer of Jews ,Yasser under the wide smile of another Globalist,Billy C., son of Nimrod the hunter.
    You have to admit that the most gross of Palestinain ,Fatah,Hamas violations against the 'process' never cancel it.
    The continued Palestinian noncompliance has always been rewarded while Israel is always punished by her close friend and ally(?)
    The Palestinians bad behavior and never ending terrorism and threats to ahanillate the Jews has not been able to end this death sentence for Israel,what Arafat called the peace of the grave for every Jew.
    What is so shocking is the loyalty of the average Jew to their god and his Road Map to hell ,there is no revollt or stopping this madness only national suicide in return for lies of peace when we all know the real agenda.

    It seems Israel's leaders all bow their knee to the Road Map to the gas chambers for Israel because they have no faith in Hashem and they are content being puppets of the Empire which destroys them by this false peace scam .
    Israel ,you Chiefest Idol is killing you by the peace process and you still are too cowardly and fearful to connect the dots to Washington.
    I think the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel could not believe his descendants could be so blind,naive,and stupid to fall for the U.S Foreign Policy Agenda whose goal is Israel's destruction.
    And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify [himself] in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
    Daniel 8:25
