Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Operation KLeAN SWEEP

The New World Oder dragon clan who control America have been having much success in their agenda except for 1 critical area.
They would gladly sacrifice their Obama to accomplish this.
The citizens of Australia,Britan,Canada and Continental Europe(except for Switzerland ,but they're working on this also) have been disarmed long ago by the NWO elites in those countries.
America has been more of a problem for them.
Now that they have successfully destroyed the economy,guns are next on their to do list.
Here's a few probable scenario the evil ones have given thought to.

1.President Bush wanting to maintain power because he has no confidence in McCain or Obama to do when he knows has to be done NOW for his Skull & Bonesmen long held secret agenda is desperate to declare Martial Law.
He feels he is the man of the century and eight years is just not enough time for him to implement his long held agenda.
He has already signed all the directives and Executive Orders for this.
A top secret operation to take out Barak would bring great chaos and riots across this nation if a KKK,Aryan white boy were set up.
This would be the false flag operation which leads to the planned call for gun seizures in America and the repeal of the 2nd amendmet which a large segment of the population would be for.
The smaller number of Gun rights advocates smeared as crazies by the media would be easily crushed by the Army in this lawless,chaotic atmosphere of escalating crime and mayhem.

ICE, ATF,FBI,U.S.Army,Federal,State and local law enforcement teams have been preparing for this day for some time now.
The recent practice operations in rounding up illegal immigrants across the country have given them needed proficiency and training............... and they're ready.
We already know that the government has purpousely turned a blind eye the invasion of illegals to tax and wear down the national infrastructure and these 'raids ' are only for show to fool the fool public.

2.Hillary was saying back in June/July that she needed to stay in the race in case something happened to Barak Obama.
What was in her heart came out of her mouth.
She's had hands on experience with Vince Foster in the White House and Mena,Ar. and God olny knows where else.
A dark, desperate power hungry woman who had her dream stolen from her by a nobody is a dangerous woman.

3. An Al Queida planned attack to turn America upside down on the eve of our election's further ripping what is left of America's rotted,tattered fabric, which the idiots in the FBI,CIA,NSA miss again like they did with 9/11.

1.2.3. Palin could also be a target as she is popular with a certain segment of the population whom the NWO Elites hate.

If something like this does go down ,stay out of the fighting as this is the devils war against both of his sides. God has permitted it to judge this nation.

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