Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Waves and the Sea Roaring

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.
Mark 8:35


I have found that the only difference between the Democrat leadership and the Republican leadership is that one of them is skinning you from the ankle up and the other from the ear down --Huey Long

Vatican accepted as member of Interpol

Office of the Inquisition opening again for Business ?


Instead of full faith and credit, we will get full measure and full results of our stupidity and pride. The bailout vote, designed to save the American economy, will instead destroy it. The NWO will use that chaos to impose their will. The United States is now delivered over to her enemies, both domestic and foreign. So be it.
I tell you plainly, I feel like one of the soldiers on the walls of Jericho as they start to slide into the ground. Who will protect America now? Now that our own leaders have destroyed the Republic. No, it is all over now. We will stagger to the election/coronation of Ubanga in a month. Then America will have the strangest Christmas season ever. After that, 2009 will bring us disaster. I have told you the truth for over 10 years. We are now beyond truth. We are even beyond consequences. We are simply beyond.



  1. The burden of Damascus nigh?


  2. Got to be near.
    Will it be only Syria or a planned attack by a conferation of nations ?

    Russia seems to have a plan and ready to move.

    What will trigger it is the question ?
    Will they wait to kick the old man Uncle Sam when he is down or going down and then move on Israel or do both at the same time ?

    Daniel was to be sealed up until the time of the END. Sir Isaac
    Newton, began studying Daniel at age 12. After he realized that he
    could advance science no farther in his lifetime, than what he had
    accomplished by age 30, Newton spent the rest of his 85 years
    studying the book of Daniel. It is rather amazing that Sir Isaac
    Newton's life work seemed to be lost, until it was rediscovered at
    about the same time that the seals came off of the book of Daniel.
    When the seals of the book of Daniel would be opened, the SAINTS
    could know it was the time of the end.

    The second coming of the Lord at the end of 6000 years to reign as
    Lord of Sabbath for His Sabbath Millennium has been a commonly held
    part of Messianic faith all through history. Though seldom discussed
    in these last days of strong delusion, it is a fact about which the
    so-called church fathers seemed to have unanimous agreement. The
    Second coming or Return of the Lord Jesus Christ would be at the end
    of 6000 years of history of planet earth. From Barnabus, 100 AD, to
    Irenius 150AD, to Lactanicus 325AD, Archbishop Usher 1650 AD, and
    many others all agreed that the second coming would be at the end of
    6000 years.

    This new year on the Jewish calendar is 5769. There are 240 years
    must be added which were intentionally dropped in 135 CE in the Bar
    Kochiva rebellion. The 240 years were intentionally removed because
    of how EXPLICIT that Daniel was regarding that Messiah Ben Joseph
    MUST come BEFORE the destruction of the second temple. By the Jewish
    calendar reckoning we are in the year 6009 from Adam. We do rejoice
    at every extension and expression of God's longsuffering in any delay
    of Judgment, which God gives. However, God's people are supposed to
    know that we are at the time of the end, and the effect of every
    vision is at hand, and that the day of the Lord is NOT to overtake
    His people as a thief in the night, as it will overtake the world.
    Even many references in the Talmud agree on this fact of prophecy and
    history that Messiah would come in the fullness of His glory the end
    of 6000 years, for His Sabbath Millennial reign. We should remember
    the ONE thing about which Peter did NOT want believers to be
    ignorant. 2 Pet 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing,
    that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand
    years as one day. The Lord of Sabbath will rule the Sabbath
    Millennium with Satan being bound for those thousand years.

    jimsearcyyahoogroups email

  3. Got to be near.
    Will it be only Syria or a planned attack by a conferation of nations ?

    Russia seems to have a plan and ready to move.

    What will trigger it is the question ?
    Will they wait to kick the old man Uncle Sam when he is down or going down and then move on Israel or do both at the same time ?

    Daniel was to be sealed up until the time of the END. Sir Isaac
    Newton, began studying Daniel at age 12. After he realized that he
    could advance science no farther in his lifetime, than what he had
    accomplished by age 30, Newton spent the rest of his 85 years
    studying the book of Daniel. It is rather amazing that Sir Isaac
    Newton's life work seemed to be lost, until it was rediscovered at
    about the same time that the seals came off of the book of Daniel.
    When the seals of the book of Daniel would be opened, the SAINTS
    could know it was the time of the end.

    The second coming of the Lord at the end of 6000 years to reign as
    Lord of Sabbath for His Sabbath Millennium has been a commonly held
    part of Messianic faith all through history. Though seldom discussed
    in these last days of strong delusion, it is a fact about which the
    so-called church fathers seemed to have unanimous agreement. The
    Second coming or Return of the Lord Jesus Christ would be at the end
    of 6000 years of history of planet earth. From Barnabus, 100 AD, to
    Irenius 150AD, to Lactanicus 325AD, Archbishop Usher 1650 AD, and
    many others all agreed that the second coming would be at the end of
    6000 years.

    This new year on the Jewish calendar is 5769. There are 240 years
    must be added which were intentionally dropped in 135 CE in the Bar
    Kochiva rebellion. The 240 years were intentionally removed because
    of how EXPLICIT that Daniel was regarding that Messiah Ben Joseph
    MUST come BEFORE the destruction of the second temple. By the Jewish
    calendar reckoning we are in the year 6009 from Adam. We do rejoice
    at every extension and expression of God's longsuffering in any delay
    of Judgment, which God gives. However, God's people are supposed to
    know that we are at the time of the end, and the effect of every
    vision is at hand, and that the day of the Lord is NOT to overtake
    His people as a thief in the night, as it will overtake the world.
    Even many references in the Talmud agree on this fact of prophecy and
    history that Messiah would come in the fullness of His glory the end
    of 6000 years, for His Sabbath Millennial reign. We should remember
    the ONE thing about which Peter did NOT want believers to be
    ignorant. 2 Pet 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing,
    that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand
    years as one day. The Lord of Sabbath will rule the Sabbath
    Millennium with Satan being bound for those thousand years.

    jimsearcyyahoogroups email
