Friday, December 05, 2008

Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic Security

This is very dangerous as it is being promoted for domestic terrorism defense for a disaster. What is wrong with the National Guard?

How about making the Guard stronger instead of a standing army. In light of everything that is happening, this looks like Washington getting ready for martial law.

This is a very serious development.

Remember to hard left, we are terrorists. Always keep that in your mind and the government now has been taken over by the hard left.
"Before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, dedicating 20,000 troops to domestic response -- a nearly sevenfold increase in five years -- "would have been extraordinary to the point of unbelievable," Paul McHale, assistant defense secretary for homeland defense, said in remarks last month at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. But the realization that civilian authorities may be overwhelmed in a catastrophe prompted "a fundamental change in military culture," he said."

Even secular folks are not as blind as the majority of Christian's in America.
Celente recently told Fox News that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts...........
In 2007, Celente forewarned that "giants (would) tumble to their deaths," which is exactly what we have witnessed with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns and others.
Celente has stated that the current financial downturn will ultimately lead to nothing less than revolution.

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