Friday, April 05, 2013

China kills market birds as H7N9 found in pigeons

Friday Night Update: Chinese officials escalated their response on Friday, advising people to avoid live poultry.
UPDATE :One of the most frightening aspects of this latest outbreak is that it is occurring suddenly over thousands of square miles in China.



We are long overdue

'the virus may have recently mutated into a form that spreads more easily to other animals, potentially posing a bigger threat to humans.'

Could H7N9 be part of a much bigger plan ?
Did you know that they already have samples of this new and deadly virus in Atlanta,Beijing,London,Melbourne and Tokyo ?
The telltale sign for me will be if it unexpectedly and mysteriously spreads like we saw in the movie Contagion.
This was a very well written movie about a deadly, global pandemic which also started out in China and spread across the globe. What a coincidence that would be if reality followed Hollwood fiction ?

What better tool to advance global governance tyranny.
With the ongoing global economic meltdown,dwindling food production,famine,drought and threats of war what better event to create mass global panic than a deadly GLOBAL pandemic ?
This thing has started out small and hasn't yet gotten the attention of the sleepy sheep headed for slaughter here in the U.S.

It happened before as World War 1 was coming to an end I just learned from a few sources today that it also originated in China.

The Spanish flu of 1918

My father who was born in 1904 survived this deadly flu as a young boy where the mortality rate was extremely high. Everything about my life is a miracle from God,that is my testimony.
In the fall of 1918 the Great War in Europe was winding down and peace was on the horizon.
Yesterday I wrote that they had not yet found the source of this new and improved plague or begun culling/killing birds. Well today they started the slaughter at a market in Shanghai.
This is just a gut feeling but we are overdue for a large deadly plague that killed 50 to 100 million like the Spanish Flu
.(Depending on the source the number of deaths due to this pandemic vary from 40 million to 100 million,nothing new with the main stream media)

'People allowed for strict measures and loss of freedom during the Spanish flu and World War 1 as they submitted to the needs of the nation ahead of their personal need.'

Personally I think this is going to be bad and fits in well with the evil elites need for global panic,war,martial law,depopulation,famine,etc.because of the lateness of the hour,the designs of the New World Dis-Order globalist elite, disciples of Satan are getting easier to see.
Fear is their best friend and they will use panic to further their evil agenda.

'The mass bird killing is the first so far as the Chinese government responds to the H7N9 strain of which has sickened 16 people, many critically, along the eastern seaboard in its first known infections of people. The first cases were announced Sunday, while two more were reported Friday, both retirees who were seriously ill.'

Paul McGuire on Hagmann and Hagmann

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