Friday, April 05, 2013

Tag Team, Iran Joins North Korea

Both are backed by Russia and China against the US.

The Iran nuclear talks have stalled and Israel has tired of the Obama dog and pony show that has tied it's hands up to the final hour. Israel will have to strike the Iran/Syria/Hezbollah axis very soon or Obama will.
The fuse is already lit and it will most likely explode in multiple locations at once signaling the start of WW III.
As I wrote on April 2nd a major war over Syria is about to explode
What we are seeing with Iran is a united axis which includes Russia and China , and the BRICS directed against the old order U.S.
There's a new game in town and the checkers player Obama in not welcome.
Obama was warned about meddling with Syria and he didn't listen ,so this stealth war over Syria can only turn into a global hot war with the aim of taking down America permanently.
That is why China has unleashed North Korea's Kim-Un against the U.S.
What is not surprising is how clueless the government experts are. They're blind as a bat.
I've always seen Obama as the person to lead America to it's end and he's been doing an excellent job of it.
Even Australia has seen the handwriting on the wall and stopped trading with their close partner China in dying dollar.
So soon after America's homosexuals have demanded their rights to turn God's institution of marriage into an abomination maybe time is up,finished ,and it's all over for the U.S. ?
I'm keeping a close eye on Iran/Syria because pawns Iran and North Korea are ready for action .... along with their partners the Checkmate Gang Russia and China.



    Russian bomber conducts practice strikes on U.S. missile defenses in Asia

  2. Correct link... sorry Marcel
