Thursday, November 24, 2005

New U.S. General to Oversee Training of Palestinian Terrorists

There's always someone willing to sell their soul to evil and betray good for a price.
You can't train the Palestinian police and keep a clear conscience knowing most of them are avowed terrorists out to defeat and destroy Israel.
President Bush know's what is going on and this one of many examples for why I call him evil.
The long and meddlesome nose of American interference, aiding the terrorist side will eventually be returned to us fourfold. Heck , Divine repayment has already begun.
what goes around comes around !
Some loyal fool's get set up,decieved into their compromising positions and awaken before they're in over their heads.
General Ward didn't even last a year. I wonder what happened , did the Palestinian terrorists threaten his life or did he wise up to the devious role he was playing and decide to jump ship before it was too late.
Let's see how long Maj.Gen Keith Dayton lasts.
They dangled another star under his nose and he bit.
Does the poor sucker know what he's gotten himself into ?
He will shortly.

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