Thursday, July 20, 2006

Road Map to War

An Israeli paper state's;

"" It's a war ""

Gee ,I thought the Road Map led to peace ?

You did everything the U.S. told you to do for their peace plan and ............
where did it lead you Israel ?
Into a trap set by your enemies.
While you turned your face for a phony peace and threw fellow Jew out of their homes for the terrorists and your baal master George they were busy ,busy,busy preparing for war.
The false peace by the false friend almost put you in a permanent coma Israel.

Much talk in Israel that the president gives them a LIMITED green light !
a snare Israel has yet to free itself from.

This war,has it awakened any in Israel to the man who hold the green light for Israel ?
He can also send Israel a red light if you let him !

What I hear from the world is that they don't like to see Jews fight and defend themselves .
It would be more peacefuly for everyone if the Jews would just give up and die peacefully.
That is the true sentiment of a majority of the non Islamic world.
God continues to seperate the wheat from the chaff.
We already know what the moslem world thinks ,
This is a sign that His judgment now begins against His enemies.
Indonesia, the largest population of moslems in the world.
I've lost track at the number of earthquakes since the Tsunami struck in December 2004
They had another major earthquake and Tsunami the other day.
Immediately after they volunteered for 'peacekeeping duties' against Israel on the Lebanese border.
God is attempting to get the attention of all the inhabitiants of the earth, but in America almost everyone is drunk with sport,wine,women,wealth ,ect.
They will not see it coming !

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