How did they get so hopeless and fatal even with the best western education has to offer ?
It's what material life without God always produces ,death and that is the prevalent culture in America.
Since the evil anti-God forces have taken over the U.S. and removed all reference to God and His eternal laws our children in the government schools receive a death education.
Sexual perversion and killing babies are what they learn first during their years of brainwashing.
The Government has replaced God
Since 1962 when prayer was outlawed by the outlaws many successive generations have been dumbed down to see the state as God much like the Nazi's and Communists had successfully done.
The state now has the final word having replaced God with their evil agenda.
They will tolerate the religious as long as they bend their knee to the state.
This worship of man and man being the center of all things brings death to all who worship the state.
The curse has multiplied in our generation to the point of no return.
There is no fixing the incurable rot.
The fascination with skull & bones ,vampire's,occult and death are a hallmark of educated youth in American culture today.
Sin leads to death and death is worshiped instead of God in America today.
That is permissible with the Educators of darkness but don't dare mention JESUS.
Every imaginable and unimaginable perversion and twisted lie is permitted but God alone is excluded.
Gangs,drugs,perversion,satanism, suicide,etc. have filled in the large void and replaced the truth.The evil ones who rule do not awake and return to the foundations which made America great but instead lead us in the final steps to our destruction.
Where is the Church ?
In bed with the evil ones ,their allegiance to the satanic beast and against God is evident to all by their silence.
How anyone who claims to be a Christian can participate in an international student exchange program which lays the foundation for the devils agenda beyond me ?
Soulless killer kids.
The young killer was probably an honor student who learned well the value of human life in modern day America which is no value.
Garbage in - garbage out
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