Sunday, May 01, 2011

Maggie grabbed hold of a stanchion from the carport, screaming, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!"

The deviant,lying media keeps calling this "the second-deadliest day of tornadoes in U.S. history"
Do not be too quick to believe them !

In just one city there are still 434 people still missing four days later.
They will continue to downplay the severity of this as they did with the Gulf oil spill, the high radiation levels coming from Japan's Fukushima ,the terminal condition of the U.S. economy and on and on.

All told, at least 342 people died across seven states,
Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddux said late Saturday that 434 people were unaccounted for, down from 570 hours earlier.
"My sense is that we will have more fatalities," Maddox said.

The Bible Belt was the target of all these tornado.
I don't hear anyone asking why or even aware of this fact.
God's judgments always begin with His people and this is Him sending out one last wake up call
before the real hell comes.
We haven't seen anything like whats coming. 

The wicked shall be turned into hell,And all the nations that forget God.
Psalm 9:17

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