Saturday, July 09, 2011

Hitler Would Be Impressed

Instead of standing up to outside pressure, P.M. Netanyahu like the feeble Israeli leaders before him capitulates and goes after softer,easier targets,fellow Jews whose only crime is obeying God.

'If one of the most evil men of recent times,Hitler could see the government of Israel using his methods to demonize green line Jews and Rabbi's who see God as above the state,abusing and driving out fellow Jews from their lands and homes with such zeal for a fraudulent peace and to please phony allies,to reward the Muslims for all their terror, he would be happy.'
Israel has sunken very,very low !

' This fantasy peace scheme of the nations in carving up Israel for a Palestinian state is the heritage of 2000 years of Antisemitism, it is the old dream of the anti-Semites to get rid of the Jews, once and for all' 
a non Jew on the peace process
This is true. But the burning question remains ;
Why do the majority of Israel (especially the government) go along with these plans of pseudo friend and foe alike for their own destruction under the guise of peace ?

I know Jews can't possibly be this stupid,especially after recent history ?

The outcome of ISRAEL disobeying God (Exodus 23:27-33) by going along with the fraudulent,suicidal and worthless two state solution is that Jews now drive out fellow Jews from their own homes and land for rockets and brutal murder in return.
The Jews who rebel against God imprison those who attempt to stop the insanity of rewarding evil, murderous Palestinian's by punishing good and obedient Jews who obey the call of God to rebuild the ancient homeland.
With GROWING hate they zealously do to fellow Jews what they refuse to do to the Palestinian's ,drive them out.

The Jews who rebel against God rage against and abuse those Jews who attempt to stop the insanity of rewarding evil murderous Palestinian's with His land.
The Arabs have more than enough land and too many countries already.
Israel is that last nation which can afford to give up any land to such untrustworthy and barbaric neighbors.
Israel's sin of  punishing good and obedient Jews who obey the call of God to rebuild the ancient homeland will be answered by God.
The evil ones of Israel gladly and with venomous hate do to fellow Jews what they refuse to do to the Palestinian's , namely drive them out.
This evil will be repaid by horrible divine retribution upon these twisted, perverted souls who hate God so much they work with His enemies to destroy His Israel from within.
They even use the army and police to do the dirty work for the anti-Semites working tirelessly to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
Jews who disobey God are driven to self destruction as we see with so much of Israel today.
Sounds Like Israel's stupid leaders ,after all the warnings they refuse to get rid of the Palestinian snake. 

Obama's New Egypt

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