Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pentagon Official Apologized at Virginia Mosque

'O daughter of Babylon, who are to be destroyed, Happy the one who repays you as you have served us!'
Psalm 137:8
Making 'friendly' alliances with countries under the influence of evil,Satanic Islam has always been a recipe for failure and disaster,especially when it comes to stabbing Israel in the back as national policy.  

Gee, I wonder if these fools leading the US to the abyss by their incredible stupidity will get on their knees and beg the angry barbaric religious extremists of allah the moon god ?

Or will they put our own military men before a firing squad to appease their evil Islamic ally in Afghanistan?

After all the years of the US screwing Israel and rewarding evil Islam it is just and good to see treacherous and backstabbing America reaping what it has sown.

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