Saturday, December 01, 2012

God Will Respond !

WHAT is a tiny outnumber nation (Israel) surrounded by those who want to wipe them out to do when the greedy Arabs use the corrupt International courts,threats,violence,the perverts at the U.N.,EU,US, the gangster,bully international community of hypocrites to squeeze the life out of Israel in order to accomplish their agenda of another extremist Islamic state committed to Israel's destruction under the lie of peace in order to complete Adolph Hitlers final solution ?
Appeasement and retreating hasn't worked to bring peace,so there is only 1 option left for Israel.

In Zechariah 12:3 God says he will cut in pieces all those who mess with Jerusalem and the US is at the front of the line in meddling with God's agenda for Israel and so God will remove the stumbling block from the midst of Israel.
The arrogant,reprobate empire will meet the fate of all empires before it ,dust and rubble, so that His people can look to Him alone for peace and security ,not their corrupt,perverted, lying idol America Babylon.
Time is running out for proud Sodom land.

North Korea's 'peaceful' ICBM to launch between Dec 10-22

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