Saturday, December 01, 2012

'Oh Dog'

Exodus 23:27-33
"You shall make no covenant with them, nor with their gods. They shall not dwell in your land, lest they make you sin against Me. For if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you."

There will be no peace with Israel following the 2 state final solution of the Fourth Reich

In a response to my comment at;

A few notable anniversaries on the Palestinians big day

an 'o dog' got on my case and said I had no place in 'the debate' for my suggestion that the Palestinians should be driven into the Iraqi desert where they could eat sand pies.
First off ,it's not a debate,it's the planned extermination of Israel under a false peace with the taqiyya,jihad hordes of  hell ,Islam,PERIOD.
I would bet you that the dog has not called for the Palestinians to be removed from 'the debate' for their decades,centuries of murder and terrorism,intolerance ,greed and hatred against Israel the Jews and their open call for Israel's extermination.
Can you say hypocrite ?
The  'dirty 'dog is only calling to remove me from 'the debate' as Israel now debates a false peace with their murderous destroyers Hamas and Fatah. The one thing Israel has not done for peace is obey God and push out the death cult from their God given land. The greedy Arabs already have way too much land already!

By O-Dog on November 30, 2012 7:07 AM
people who argue that we should "send the Arab interlopers who do not want to submit to Israeli rule to the desert of Iraq where they can eat sand pies" have no more right to be included in the debate as those who wish to see the Jews pushed into the Med.

my response which Ms. Glick did not post on her blog

I happen to believe in God's justice,not yours or man's injustice.
What Israel's enemies want to do to Israel will befall them and worse.(that's God's justice)
The modern day perverse religious tolerance of evil and the immoral mindset of putting evil on the same level as Israel and the Jewish people is what got Israel into this mess in the first place.
Israel's policy of rewarding evil has not worked
I have no doubt that there are many in Israel who like you champion and tolerate evil,injustice and treacherous enemies of Israel. I was being extremely kind with the 'sand pies' as it will be much,much worse for all of Israel's enemies (much worse than just 'into the sea') as God will bring total destruction on them and their enablers. Ezekiel 35-39.
I Samuel 15 -Being merciful to the cruel is in itself an evil act which *ISRAEL has been guilty of  for too long.
Dear foolish nation ,apeasement does not work.
dog ,woff,woff ,It is your lot who have no place in the debate !
*added on

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