Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Walk In The Light Of His Presence

These are days of great change and of great decision. All that is true must be decided upon and adhered to.
Even the truth will not help you, unless it is applied and allowed to work it’s work within you.
A knowledge about Me will not save you nor sustain you. You must abide in Me, and know Me. This is the hour to walk in the Light of My Presence.
No longer can a head knowledge or even a heart knowledge be enough. You must intimately know Me. You must be transformed by Me, to fully walk with Me. For My Word must be ingrained and burned into you and allowed to bring you into My Image.
I AM the Life of all men, but all men do not want to live or to be Mine. You must be united in Spirit and Truth with Me. For I am the only one that can truly change you and cause you to become one with Me.
Unless My Word abides in you, and I become all things unto you, then you will deny Me in the end. I must be your absolute Source and Lord. I cannot be second place or even an optional way out. I know those who are truly Mine, and many say they are Mine, but are not. The days ahead will sift those out and it will be evident who has My Light and who does not.

Take heed to yourselves and check yourselves.

I must be seen within you and through you. Is it My voice that comes out of your mouth? Is it My eyes that look through yours? Is it My Hands that touch through yours? Is it My Heart that beats within yours? If not, then you have not truly died to yourself and have not fully allowed me to bring you to new life. You must change. If one spot or percent of you is not fully given to Me, then you are not truly fully Mine.
You cannot withhold anything from Me and truthfully say that you are Mine. Either I am truly all to you, or I am not.
Walk in the Light of My Presence. Allow My Word to be a lamp unto your feet. Do not go your own way and lean to your own thoughts and understandings. Do not continue to rise up and go throughout your day, and then finally late at night acknowledge Me, if you even remember to. You must commune with Me and abide with Me continually. You must eat My Word and cleave unto it.
My ears will not be attentive to those who do not care nor desire to know Me. I will not be mocked.
Fear will prevail and trust will not be seen among the ones who have not My Light. Many will run rampant looking for solidity and will not find it. There will be no stability outside of Me. For I AM the Light and the Life of men, and those who refuse Me, will live apart from Me and from My Truth. Unless a man falls upon the rock and dies and allows it to bring change to them, then it will fall upon them and crush them and over take them and they will be void of understanding and of Light. They will grope about looking for help and find none.
The Black Winds have begun to blow and the hearts of men will fail, but Mine will stand and be sustained by Me, for their delight is in Me and they love the Truth. No darkness is found in them, nor can it over take them, for I Am their Light and Life. All who are not Mine, who do not have My Blood upon them will perish apart from Me. For the Destroyer will reap his fill of the rebellious. Lay aside everything that causes you to stumble and to waver and come to Me now.
My Hand now passes over again, what will you do?
Walk in the Light of My Presence, or walk in the darkness.
-Susan Cummings
10:32 am

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