Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Israel Has Surrendered Their Right of Self Defense

Israel has surrendered this right to the Master of the false peace Road Map.
They are not permitted to defeat their enemy and willingly go along with the dead end
Road Map which is set up to exterminate the people of Israel and their land.
The two state solution of emperor George is Israel's death sentence and the blind and faithless
the fearful and the Idol worshipers go along with the suicide of their nation.
Their hands are tied and they must 'consult' the emperor before any real action is taken.
Only token useless responses to attacks are permitted and the new Puppet P.M. Olmert
is obedient to his Master ,sacrificing Israel to his demonic vision from hell .
The Road Map is Satan's plan and the president is his loyal disciple.
Israel has been severly limited by the dragon who slowly destroys her before our eyes
under the LIE and LIAR of peace.
The Jews are 'cautioned' not to endanger this phony peace by any determined action against the growing Palestinian threat.

So Israel has allowed it self to be restrained in every response.

This is why we see such small rockets fired by the IAF and why the IDF fire artillery into empty fields.
The marriage Israel has made to the U.S. for no peace is a noose around it's neck which has choked much of the life from it !
Will G-d anull this marriage ?

YES ,He will !!!

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