Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Russia to Kill Iraqi Kidnappers

Late June and things are getting red hot everywhere.
The weather has just begun it's attack ,this is God's hand against the U.S.
record heat ,record flooding
Smithsonian,IRS,Justice, National Archives in Washington flooded .
200,000 in Pennsylvania asked to leave imminent flooding.
It's early in the hurricane season and a major earthquake might wake up a few
comatose souls.
Russia blames the U.S. for the deaths of their four diplomats.
The IAF just sent a few F-16's to buzz Assad's palace in Damascus today.
Iran's forces on the north border with Israel could be the straw that breaks
us into WWIII .
If they unleash their 14,000 Katushya rockets on Israel ,then
you can kiss the world you once knew goodbye.
God is in control and He may very well be setting the stage for major biblical
prophetic fulfillments now.
The message to earth is God's judgment on earth's inhabitants has begun and will proceed
from bad to worse.
If this is the time ,then the U.S. is toast.
We have forgotten God as our Protection and now rely on our own power and might.
A sure recipie for imminent and surprise destruction.

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