Thursday, January 11, 2007

WWIII Has Begun

U.S Troops Raid Iran Consulate in Iraq

I also read a report of 2 large explosions in southern Iran but it seems to have disappeared ,humm?

There will probally be many more things which will happen below the radar.

It's so evident to me that God has set the stage for what is soon to happen.
I wonder how many left behind series Christians are aware of the place we are at now in God's timetable , not Tim Lahayes timetable ?
I'm reminded of Joshua before he went into battle against Jehrico.
He encountered Messiah Jesus whom like many of his descendants, he did not recognize. Joshua asked Jesus whose side He was on.
Neither He replied.
God is not ,is not, on America's side and this will be the shock that awakens the sleeping saints too late here in American Babylon.
He is not on Iran's side either ,He is on His side.
His Kingdom, not Amerika's ,not Iran's Islamic empire ,both ruled by Satan.
We had better be on God's side is the message of this hour to believers because both sides in this GREAT AND DEVESTATING war are under the judgment and wrath of God.
If we follow men and their vain plans we are decieved and doomed.
Follow Jesus because He is the Lord of Armies which comes to judge all the Nations of a creation in rebellion against God.

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