Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Smooth as Silk Deception

The National Intelligence Estimate group has obviously been charged with the job of demonstrating zero intelligence. Every real intelligence knows that in 2005 Iran bought 18 Russian SS-N-6 ballistic missiles from North Korea. These North Korean modified Soviet missiles are specifically designed to carry one megaton NUCLEAR warheads.
What is wrong with so-called INTELLIGENCE that does not know why Iran would buy such a system from North Korea in 2005, if it had abandoned its nuclear warhead program in 2003 ?

Any genuine Intelligence would know that Iran's nuclear program is NOT located only in Iran. Parts of Iran's nuclear capability, as recently proven by the Israeli air strike on Syria's nuclear stuff, are located in Syria, North Korea, Pakistan, China, and most certainly Russia as well.
The Israeli strike in Syria demonstrated that Israel has some genuine Intelligence. Israel's intelligence services insist that Iran's nuclear program is the greatest threat to global security. The US so-called intelligence report sets a dangerous trap for Israel. The OPEN existential threats of Iran to annihilate Israel makes it very unlikely for Israel to avoid the trap set by the US Intelligence.
Yes, part of the so-called Road Map, better known biblically as the antichrist plan to, by peace, destroy many, calls for Israel not only to be destroyed, but also to be blamed for the great NUCLEAR worldwide destruction of the Great
Tribulation World War Three, so long planned by the antichrist global

The US has not limited its entrapment of Israel to the political realm.
Massive US pressure has stopped Israel from launching a very important strategic Israeli satellite from a missile contracted to be launched from India. The originally scheduled September launch has not yet been rescheduled. This was the apparent US response to Israel's action on Syria's nuclear program, to prevent Israel from further improving its intelligence capabilities.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak is a Peres horn puppet. Barak, like his Peres boss, could not win a popular election for dog catcher in Israel.
By Barak's accepted the most ridiculous aspect of the NIE report, that there is a distinction between Iran's "civilian" and "military" nuclear programs. Barak, by this acceptance, prevents Israel from attacking the NIE report for its deceptiveness, and obvious outright absurdity, and the trap for Israel's destruction
that it represents. The hatred of the Bush administration for Israel is both obvious and cast in concrete by Annapolis and the LIE of NIE.
Of course, Iran's controlling Ayatollahs are celebrating the NIE's publication because it is a clear green light for Iran to acquire and use the means to carry out the second genocide of the Jewish people in 70 years..........
exerpt from Jim's GJIGT yahoogroups email

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