The US led 2 state solution is not a Road Map to peace but to the extermination of Israel.
The Arabs do not need another state or any land ,they have more than enough already.
The 'Palestinians' are used by the nations as the tool to wipe Israel off the map.
How can any bible believing,God fearing Christian be indifferent ,silent or against Israel at this late hour unless he has fallen away and become reprobate ?
Israel is God's plumbline in these last of the last days.
A terminal (fatal) error has been made by the nations.
In their insane pride they assume to make war against God and not be touched.
All the nations ,especially the US,UN,EU are guilty of the greatest attempted theft in the history of the world.
Stealing land from the Jewish people to appease the tribe of greedy pigs who have more than enough land and are too evil and intolerant to permit any other group to exist near them as they trample the whole earth to export their false religion and violence .
I stand ready to rejoice when God judges this evil Islam and it is no more.
Only then will the Arabs live in peace with the Jews.
What the nations are ignorant of is the price they will all pay for this evil they have chosen to partake of.
What they do to Israel will come on them.
Mevasseret Adumim, the Harbinger of the Hills”.Tell the nations to go to hell and BUILD,BUILD,BUILD on the land God has given you.
1 comment:
Amen!!! GOD BlESS ISRAEL.... Revelation 9 part of GOD's Judgement on the evilness.
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