'There are five electricity supplies on the plane and they would all have to fail.' He said a bomb was the only logical reason for why the captain failed to send out a mayday call. ...
‘Anything could have happened. Maybe a collision with another aircraft, maybe a military aircraft, maybe a drugs-smuggling aircraft which nobody reports missing,’ said Cedric Maniez.
Authorities are at a complete loss to explain why the four-year-old Airbus disappeared 400 miles off Brazil without issuing a Mayday
but they work hard to rule out Islamic terrorism Ramzi Yousef proved you could bomb a plane without it blowing up ,but it would break it apart aswe see here.
In 1988 an Aloha Jet lost it's top section but miracleously managed to land after an in flight
'explosion'an eyewitness said ;
One passenger, David Kupihea, seated near the front of the plane, was quoted by The Associated Press as saying: ''I heard a loud explosion, and I saw my bag from under the seat in front of me fly right out of the aircraft.''
but the government experts quickly came up with another whopper lie that the skin just came apart by itself.
Interesting how a private firm found the Titanic at the bottom of the ice cold,iceberg strewn North Atlantic but the Western governments are so sure they will never find the 'pinging' black boxes down south. Makes you wonder, don't it ?
The PPTB across the globe are of one mind to cover up something else which has become child's play for them.
CNN is reporting the same 'data may not be found story' as BBC this morning.
In another few days ,this tragedy will be out of sight and out of mind ,replaced by a big news story on Britany's new underwear.
First the liars said lightening ,then possibly a big storm ,but not terrorism for sure before an investigation has discounted it.
Not even 1 second of distress transmission from the pilots.
There are many backup systems for these modern planes.
This is the big siren alarm for cover up.
It would be bad for the economy and business and so the ghouls who serve only their god of mammon will by nature lie as they do so naturally.
Now we learn that Air France was threatened with bombing and a Lufthansa Jet went thru the same weather event not long after AF without any problems.
Since when does a lightening strike bring down a modern 5 year old Airbus and cause the automatic computer warnings to Air France headquarters of 10 different messages of failed flight systems ?
This fact they have now buried in the news ,possible removed so the sheeple can't figure out what's really going on.
Lost jet data 'may not be found'
Mr Arslanian said he was "not optimistic" of finding the boxes because of the terrain under the sea.
He said: "Without them it will be very difficult to reach established fact, but we can reach a possible explanation."
Mr Arslanian said he was "not optimistic" of finding the boxes because of the terrain under the sea.
He said: "Without them it will be very difficult to reach established fact, but we can reach a possible explanation."
This is what's really going on now ,but you won't hear it from the Lame stream media or their government liars.
Always expect a cover up and deception from evil men and woman (when it comes to protecting their mammon) who serve the beast,satan and his last babel government on earth.
Liberty County Sheriff’s officials are expected to meet with the FAA on Tuesday to discuss what a Continental Express pilot reported as a "missile or rocket" flying near his airplane.
Liberty County Sheriff’s officials are expected to meet with the FAA on Tuesday to discuss what a Continental Express pilot reported as a "missile or rocket" flying near his airplane.
'It is hard to believe that the Obama Middle East agenda enjoys the support of the American people or their elected representatives in Congress. Historically, the public and strong bipartisan majorities on Capitol Hill have appreciated that an Israel that shares our values, that is governed democratically and that is in the cross-hairs of the same people who seek our destruction is an important ally. Quite apart from a sense of moral and religious affinity for the Jewish people's struggle to survive in their ancient homeland, most of us recognize that it is in the United States' strategic interest to stand with Israel.................
My guess, however, is that, as the implications of President Obama's Mideast policies - for the United States as well as Israel - become clearer, he is going to find himself facing the sort of popular and congressional revolt that has confronted him in recent weeks on Guantanamo Bay. The question is: Will such a reaffirmation of American solidarity with and support for Israel come in time to prevent the winds of war being whipped up by Mr. Obama's posturing and rhetoric - and driving Israelis into bomb shelters - from wreaking havoc in the Middle East, and perhaps far beyond?'
Frank Gaffney
Dear Frank,
Dream on, the mythical solidarity and support is a deep, empty,dark hole from the empty suits !
The whirlwind has been blowing for some time,thanks DIRECTLY to the U.S.
In 1995 the U.S. Congress signed the law moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel's Capitol Jerusalem.Talk about empty suits, useless wasted paper and laws and Camera Ops to keep the dumbed down citizens content with devious politicians doing nothing but deceiving them.
Under two successive Administrations, a lame,useless Congress allowed their chosen globalist,appeaser president's to circumvent the LAW,the will of the people.
The "Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995"?
The Clinton administration refused to move the Embassy citing harm America's national security, believing that it would interfere with peace process negotiations. In fact, the Act gave the US President a "waiver authority" under which he could:
... suspend the [implementation] for a period of six months if he determines and reports to Congress in advance that such suspension is necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States.
Both Presidents Clinton and Bush used this waiver to postpone any change, fearful of the reaction of Palestinian Arabs, even though Bush promised to move the embassy if elected in 2000. The US refusal to act on the embassy move, leaving Israel as the only country in the world where the US embassy is not in the designated capital city, has encouraged Palestinian Arabs to believe they may eventually succeed in driving Israel out of Jerusalem.
They have done nothing to hold the Palestinian Terrorist Authority accountable EVER and keep funding and rewarding them IN SPITE OF THEIR OPEN AGENDA OF USING THE PEACE PROCESS TO destroy DISMANTLE ISRAEL.
And you think these dyed in the wool,corrupt,spineless Congressional representatives of the new World Order will revolt against their long in place agenda directed against Israel to appease Islam (see jerusalem Embassy act of 1995) ?
Obama is just finishing up what New World Oder President Bush Sr.began which has run it's course unabated by any real resistance under the fraud Bush II and his dear brother Billy C.
'It is hard to believe that the Obama Middle East agenda enjoys the support of the American people or their elected representatives in Congress. Historically, the public and strong bipartisan majorities on Capitol Hill have appreciated that an Israel that shares our values, that is governed democratically and that is in the cross-hairs of the same people who seek our destruction is an important ally. Quite apart from a sense of moral and religious affinity for the Jewish people's struggle to survive in their ancient homeland, most of us recognize that it is in the United States' strategic interest to stand with Israel.................
My guess, however, is that, as the implications of President Obama's Mideast policies - for the United States as well as Israel - become clearer, he is going to find himself facing the sort of popular and congressional revolt that has confronted him in recent weeks on Guantanamo Bay. The question is: Will such a reaffirmation of American solidarity with and support for Israel come in time to prevent the winds of war being whipped up by Mr. Obama's posturing and rhetoric - and driving Israelis into bomb shelters - from wreaking havoc in the Middle East, and perhaps far beyond?'
Frank Gaffney
Dear Frank,
Dream on, the mythical solidarity and support is a deep, empty,dark hole from the empty suits !
The whirlwind has been blowing for some time,thanks DIRECTLY to the U.S.
In 1995 the U.S. Congress signed the law moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel's Capitol Jerusalem.Talk about empty suits, useless wasted paper and laws and Camera Ops to keep the dumbed down citizens content with devious politicians doing nothing but deceiving them.
Under two successive Administrations, a lame,useless Congress allowed their chosen globalist,appeaser president's to circumvent the LAW,the will of the people.
The "Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995"?
The Clinton administration refused to move the Embassy citing harm America's national security, believing that it would interfere with peace process negotiations. In fact, the Act gave the US President a "waiver authority" under which he could:
... suspend the [implementation] for a period of six months if he determines and reports to Congress in advance that such suspension is necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States.
Both Presidents Clinton and Bush used this waiver to postpone any change, fearful of the reaction of Palestinian Arabs, even though Bush promised to move the embassy if elected in 2000. The US refusal to act on the embassy move, leaving Israel as the only country in the world where the US embassy is not in the designated capital city, has encouraged Palestinian Arabs to believe they may eventually succeed in driving Israel out of Jerusalem.
They have done nothing to hold the Palestinian Terrorist Authority accountable EVER and keep funding and rewarding them IN SPITE OF THEIR OPEN AGENDA OF USING THE PEACE PROCESS TO destroy DISMANTLE ISRAEL.
And you think these dyed in the wool,corrupt,spineless Congressional representatives of the new World Order will revolt against their long in place agenda directed against Israel to appease Islam (see jerusalem Embassy act of 1995) ?
Obama is just finishing up what New World Oder President Bush Sr.began which has run it's course unabated by any real resistance under the fraud Bush II and his dear brother Billy C.

Now his chosen replacement,the less sly and devious ,the open enemy of Israel ,Hussein O is going to finish what was started long ago.
How sad that the think tanks keep guessing and dreaming instead of thinking and seeing and understanding the darkness,the evil which Washington has become.
The evil empire has a new address.
The evil empire has a new address.
This was so obviously a bomb.
Here is another link:
The Islamists in France have a score to settle.
What score is that my mystery reader ?
The only score France can settle is the retreat score
They've been in retreat and appeasment mode with the allah's evil pigs since leaving Algeria and again cover up their dirty deeds.
The French spend their time attacking Israel to please their Dhimmi masters as do the rest of Eurarabia.
The aircraft's computer system did send about four minutes of automated messages indicating a loss of cabin pressure and an electrical failure, officials have said.
They left out that this was 10 messages on 10 different aircraft sys.
I'm no mystery! God knows me and loves me, praise Him.
It's about Muslim dress in their schools.
Al Queda warned them.
They are that petty.
More news today that the ocean is deep, they say it is like finding a needle in a haystack. What about the super-duper technology, beacons etc.?
I'm not God ,mystery man !
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