Tuesday, December 01, 2009

If it walks like a duck

Evil has a green light  because the so called good people are afraid to judge righteous judgment.
The wicked showed mercy to evil at the expense of the innocent and God will hold them accountable.
The righteous are told by those who follow after evil and their enablers that it is wrong to be judgmental.
Sin is no longer considered sin in this demonic religion of tolerance towards evil.
Too many good people are silenced,compromised,watered down by this lie from hell.
If you love the sinner ,you will warn them of their damnation end not make them feel good in their rebellion.
Many people are happy today after Maurice Clemmons receive his just end on the streets of Seattle but I am not.
It bothers me greatly that worthless huckster politicians like ex-Governor Huckabee will never be held accountable in this life for his evil actions. If corrupt politician like him who only care about their own ego driven agenda were arrested and tried and sentenced in a court of law I would be very happy.There would be less craven desire for them to reward the wicked at the expense of the righteous.
Christians are supposed to love and seek justice.
Today this is a small number who do earnestly seek justice,the majority spend their time as Israel does appeasing the wicked. This always leads to God's wrath on them.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
 Call it as it is. The evil don't like it when you do so.
That is what made the prophets of God so unpopular with the people they were sent to warn. 
The reason the guilty do not appreciate the 'name calling' is that it shakes up their sick world and causes them to feel unease about their immoral decisions where in their delusional world everyone is right and no one is wrong.
God help anyone who says it like it is. 
They always try to mute the sound and right judgment which the truth always demands.
Israel's in deep trouble exactly because it has compromised too often instead of holding firm.
I am reminded of how the anti Israel Jew Goldstone had the gall to claim he was a Zionist.
Your actions,your deed expose you for what you are no matter what you are saying.
Thats what the dumb voters have not yet figured out.
If it walks like a duck it's it's duck so quit calling evil good and good evil..

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