Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is Netanyahu Planning a Pogrom for Green Line Jews ?

update: More evidence that I am correct about Netanyahu's plans

I'm already cynical when it comes to so many spontaneous events happening all at once under the leadership of the clever and diabolical fox Netanyahu whom the leftist media call far right.
When have the Bolsheviks ever told the truth ?
Netanyahu is anything but right.... wing.
I believe the targeting of Rabbi Lior and the other Rabbi's was planned from the top as are all the police actions on Jewish 'settlers'.
They're laying the groundwork to wear down the opposition to accomplish their evil plan with the least resistance.
The  anti-God Israeli government has already severely damaged the heart and soul,the Zionist spirit of  fellow Jews who were zealous to rebuild on the land in obedience to God's comand.
The secular Jews do this to please their false god, America Babylon.
The settlers primary loyalty is to God and not the State and that makes them enemies of the state.

Make no mistake,this is Satan's war against God and His remnant in Israel,the wearing down of the saints which the prophet Daniel wrote would happen before Messiah's return.
He is using other Jews who serve his NWO agenda to break the faithful Jewish remnant of Israel.
The greedy Arabs don't need another country and they definitely do not need any more land so the two state solution is only a crafty ruse to destroy already too tiny Israel.
The Bolshevik, pseudo-democratic government of Israel under Netanyahu has to remind the religious of Israel
that the state is God,that the state is above the God of Israel,that the state is the final authority and not God or the Tanakh.
What they really mean is that Washington is Israel's only god who must be obeyed.
These folk play dirty because they are. 
Netanyahu and Barak have to target the religious Jews and bring the fear of the state upon them because they are the only ones who pose a threat to their judenrein agenda for Judea and Samaria .
What they don't know is that they've declared war on God and He will answer their call.
They are 'just following orders' of their Globalist Fourth Reich (Quartet) Master's.
If I'm right about this, look for more black boot police attacks on Jews inside the green line to demonize them and make them look like the enemies of peace while Netanyahu cozy's up in bed even more with the Palestinian jihadists leadership.
More goodwill gestures,more money to the terrorists while he piles more abuse on religious Jews who won't bend their knee to the EVIL state as God.  
This latest police action (Wednesday) taken together with the thought police action against the 2 Rabbi's tells me that the police like all good Bolsheviks are going after their number one enemy.
The radical,criminal,extremist left of Israel are a protected species but the religious are abused daily by the  government media perverts and thugs.
Netanyahu , you arrogant putz, try and remember what led to the downfall of Sharon.  

Hundreds riot in Mea Shearim after police raid

Jeremiah 17:5

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