Monday, February 06, 2012

Truth,Lies and Afghanistan

And the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything; and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break in pieces and crush all the others. 41 Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile."

The globalists agenda of Daniel's 10 toes of iron and clay,the end time Babel world government is beyond weak.
It is a failure and evident that Islam is the end time government for a short period before Jesus returns.

The US agenda of mixing the clay of Democracies with the brutal iron of Islamic nation for their New world order is an abject failure as Afghanistan and Iraq have proven to be.
All they have to offer are lies ,a world of lies.

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