Friday, December 14, 2012

America,marinated and cooked to a crisp in violence

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20
We're cooked and in the process of being served bloody side up.
The judgments, plagues of demons and death angels have arrived.
America is paying the price for our violent culture, from video games,TV and Hollywood and the death culture know as 'choice' (abortion) which is nothing less than murder of the unborn.
In America,every dark and evil imaginable is accepted and tolerated in the name of 'freedom' and directed to our children in school and media with it's vulgar,filthy,violent content designed to poison their minds and souls at an early age.
"he was very thin,very remote and was one of the goths."she said.
Goth says it all ,where darkness and dead is worshiped.That is acceptable in very tolerant of evil America where God and the Bible are forbidden,verbotten by the Orwellian system to approach the eyes and ears of little innocent children.
Like so many children today was he really good at killing on video games that made him such a good marksman and so cold about killing little moving targets ?
I don't think the media will go there as their agenda is gun control ,not violent content elimination.
Anything goes in over drugged ,pagan America from glorifying vampire's and cannibal's to witchcraft,satanism, occult Harry Potter magic but dare not mention God or a bible verse or else the full force of the dark,demonic state comes down hard on you.
There is an incredible wide open tolerance for evil and no tolerance for good
in this now dark land infested with demons.
The light of truth, good and God has been rejected,kicked out and darkness has filled the void.
The hypocrisy of this nation as the hardened majority selfishly hold their right to kill the innocent life in a mothers womb now cry crocodile tears over the murder of  so many children today in a Connecticut elementary school is not missed by God.

Generation Death

This terminal,death embracing generation wears death (skull-bones) on their clothing,caps, tattoo's,rings anywhere you can imagine.
Life has become cheap in America and the perverse leaders will blame the gun and not the fact that this nation turned it's back on God and his commandments and has gone from moral to vile,violent, immoral,godless and amoral.
It's going to get unbelievably much worse as our lawless, reprobate society collapses.
Even empires fall under Gods judgment.
God has turned this country over to the violence of it's movie/TV viewing appetite to drink every last dregs of what we have been feeding our minds and souls and violence floods this now cursed nation.

Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matthew 10:28

America, mentally unstable and collapsing 

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