This is the perfect storm for us, we should do something with it," Rogers said
The present Seat of the Global Beast is NYC
President Obama plays King of the World for the month of September.
Iran's Amadinejad will attend the *UNGENASSY to encourage' Iran's (Islam's)views in managing the world' an aide said.
*UNGENASSY -unregenerate asses
Tripartite US-Israeli-Palestinian summit at UN
Better described as the choke Israel's Neck Summit.
The three leaders will declare Middle East peace talks resumed from that point. Defense minister Ehud Barak was referring to this development when he warned Tuesday night that Israel must brace for hard decisions.
"Obama-Netanyahu-Abbas summit scheduled for Sept. 22 in New York" --
"The Obama administration "early Wednesday Sept 9 decided" to schedule a tripartite US-Israeli-Palestinian summit at UN center in New York for Sept 22, DEBKAfile's Washington sources report, the day before the US president meets Russian president Dmitry Medvedev at the UN General Assembly.
The three leaders will declare Middle East peace talks resumed from that point. (Why would they they not mention the 4th leader of the EU, Javier Solana--we can be sure he has much to bring to the table, no?) Defense minister Ehud Barak was referring to this development when he warned Tuesday night that Israel must brace for hard decisions."
Why is it that Obama et al "decided only yesterday" to hold this meeting when this meeting has been on the desk calendar of Javier Solana for quite some time? Only wondering why his name does not appear on the roster even as a "guest-celebrity"?
Sorry, please understand that I am not trying to play Columbo here and I may be totally out of my tree, but just noticed and wanted to write, that's all.
New York (USA)
United Nations General Assembly
New York (USA)
United Nations General Assembly
New York (USA)
United Nations General Assembly
New York (USA)
United Nations General Assembly
New York (USA)
United Nations General Assembly
Right now the big boy with all the marbles is Obama.
Whoever the AC is thew world will worship him and I just don't see that with Javier at least not yet.
Notice how the media made a god out of a nobody from Chicago ?
The media is in the hands of Satan and they build up,make idols and stars out of, and focus attention on who he is setting up.
If Javvy is raise to the pinnacle then I will take notice.
I got to tell you and one thing for certain, if anyone will find out, it will be you, my friend. Hahaha...
We're all going to know shortly.
After this war we will see some big peace hustler rise up above all the others.
Notice over the years how media always gave us Pope news.
I got so tired of them making news stories out of what is not news.
The build up their gods who are not God.
Actually, my thought too is how the media seems to report old 1/2 news after the fact, or they don't report it at all. No worries, pretty sweet soon, media as we have known it (or not known it) to be will be no more.
Also, so interesting how you mentioned the Pope. I was thinking this mornin how the Pope has been almost too quiet in all the commotion of things. Is he on summer vacation...or something? Correct me if I am wrong but I believe he left the Vatican for vacation before he went to Israel July 17th or so-- to offer his (30pieces) of silver coins against or with the Arabs for the Upper Room and a few other pieces of prime RE they are suppose to have already owned. Don't quote me on it though....Ciao for now, Marcel!
WHo knows where Pope Rat is ?
Maybe he had a stroke and is in rehab ?
They wouldn't want to show a hobbled,broke down head of such a great institution,they would hide him.
Another media dog and pony show is the dully lama.
Walid sent me his fox video
Haha, you're funny too. We can only hope we've seen the final days of the "Last Pope" but me no think so yet.
Nice....Walid is a good man...too bad FOX media cut him off before he was finished speaking the uncomfortable truth most done care to hear ...no thanks to the media for that.
The more I am away from TV the more I see it as the real opiate of the masses.
You mentioned recently the temporal nature of the internet.
I do agree. There is just too
much factual information getting out to the peon masses which troubls the ruling elite.
They must control it or crash it.
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