The US,the creator of the UN gives the forces of evil respect, honor and a global platform to spread their poison.
The US would have stopped funding the UN if it was opposed to it.
a talkback from the Jerusalem Post that caught my attention this morning.
A political "Anschluss", over the entire ME! This is the ultimate goal of the Iranian theocracy!
Only through use of the nuclear "trumpcard" can Iran make real her despotic dream of political and religious domination over the entire ME! But wait, it gets worse. Through threat and terrorist act, Iran hopes to pave the way for an eventual Islamic hegemony over the entire world! Impossible, you say? A pipedream? Perhaps. But allow me to quote Lao-tzu: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". Hitler took that step in Munich
in 1938. He failed.
Perhaps the mullahs believe they will be much more lucky! And why not! After all, they have Allah on their side!
ed - USA
It's clear to see that the US leads the nations to hell by way of their UN.
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