Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The mouse makes a peep

Hamas Declares War

This time I pray that Israel's leaders have enough sense to finish off Hamas permanently and ignore the assorted scum who come to rescue Hamas with cries of restraint,etc.
When the Palestinian jihad dogs of Hamas (and soon Fatah) are too busy arranging funerals for their people and hiding under their wives and don't have time to fire rockets then we will have good progress from the slow to act Netanyahu and Barak. The fact that it took Netanyahu and Barak so long to make a move on Hamas after calls for an end to Hamas and their rockets while they were quick to drive fellow Jews from their homes should always be remembered. I wonder if Bibi can say 'drop dead' to Obama when he calls to rescue Hamas from a much needed whooping ? don't forget about how the hypocrite nations always come to the rescue of their cherished killers by calling for restraint, immediate halt to Israels actions and end of disproportionate use of force. Funny how the biggest hypocrite of all ,the US is never called to end it's disproportionate use of force in their many,many wars across the globe. They always come to the rescue of Israel's enemies as they did with Hezbollah in 2006 and Hamas in 2009.

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