news headline
Bush Blames Hizbollah for Middle East Violence ..
My response to Mr. Bush;
'No, The Road Map is to Blame'
This weakening of Israel by forcing them to surrender their land and show goodwill gestures and restraint and appeasment to this enemy has encourage Israel's enemies to finish her off. Thanks to failed U.S. policy and schemes for a false peace ,Israel was seen as weak by Hezbollah and Hamas and this has led to war. The strong deterrent Israel had was removed by Oslo under criminal Bill and his sidekick Bush and his Road Map. I blame it more on you and your policy of forcing Israel into appeasmnet by your Road Map to hell Mr. Bush
Marcel ,
marcel ,I seldom agree with you because of your rants on your perceived Israeli weakness. However, you hit the nail right on the head on #9. I would like to go one step further however. We on the right go bonkers with the biased (left) media. Yet does anyone understand crystal clear that this week the media has used Bush telling Israel not to weaken Lebanon? And they used it against Israel, just like the message Bush delivered. In our run to make peace and phony democracies which don't work because those in those phony democracies do nothing to make it work....... the west socked it to Israel, twisting our arms nearly off our sockets..........time and time again. Year after year we were threatened not only by our arch enemies but by our friends. Telling a country who has been attacked for nothing (except hate of JEWS) to use restraint is sick and perverted. It speaks to the street and emboldens them more then ever. If ever this was the time to stand by Israel, it was now. To take Putin by the throat and tell him that next time his partner in the quartet for peace finds Iranian missiles purchased in Russia killing Jews all bets are off the table. It takes a lot to make a statesman. It takes even more for a statesman supposed friend of Israel to sign the Jerusalem act so once and for all the world truly knows the TRUTH. Instead we get this: Prince Saud Al-Faisal, the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, praised the decision of US President George W. Bush to once again delay the implementation of the decision of the US government to move its embassy to Jerusalem. "The embassy's movement is a recognition of Israeli fait accompli which is not wanted by anyone. Consequently, returning the U.S. policy to the previous position is welcomed," Al-Faisal to the Saudi news agency. .. It will take a statesman from the West to stand tall by Israel in order to shatter the myriad of lies and revised history the world consumes, eating like the sweetest candy. So far we have failed to be witness to this and this alone is why Israel in all respects stands alone. BTW: If anyone has the audacity to write back that Israel is so lucky to have mean spirited resolutions against Israel, vetoed by the US, here is my response: It is the right, honest and honorable thing to do, not the nice thing to do. Plain and simple. It is indeed more than a crumb of bread but to be made to feel beholden for doing the right thing to begin with is insane. Thank you.
Tamar ,
Where is Peace Now ?
Where are the appeasers now ?
What has come of all their efforts for peace ?
Your weakness & goodwill has been rewarded by hezbollah and hamas.
Islam only understands the language of brute force.
This they respect and bow to.
Talking and rewarding them with Jewish land only feed their bloodlust to destroy Israel.
They are very,very shocked that a weak and wimpy Israel now fights back.
They assumed israel would die quietly, weakened by the false peace Road Map, too tired to fight.
Let them get what they intend for Israel .
Gods Divine Justice on all who come against His Israel.
To Moslem lady in Canada crying for her dead jihadistsThe only language you moslems understand is brute force .
A Lebanese man asked that Israel return to negotiations.
I told him that Israel has played this losing game since before Oslo in 93' and was rewarded by the Palestinian's for their stupidity of trusting words and agreements from pathological liars.
Just as the defeats of Egypt,Syria and Jordan brought Israel peace for many years ,so again must hamas and hezbollah be defeated along with their puppet masters in Iran and Syria.
They have forgotten their lesson of defeat because of the leftist Israeli appeasers and the fake western peace scam which rewarded terrorist behavior.
Now the world cries because Israel has awaken to the costly price they have paid for restraint and goowill to devils.
Deterrence will once again be learned by those who seek to destroy Israel and I know this troubles you .
To Tahlia in Israel who agree's on what I wrote that Hezbollah is not to blame but the Road Map is.
The whole process Israel was led on ,Oslo to Road Map worked.
It worked to weaken and mortally wound Israel.
What haSatan could no accomplish by war he succeeded in by using a 'friend' an ally to carve up and weaken Israel and give hope and encouragement to Israel's enemies.
Israel fully trusted in a lie ,Making an agreement with death and hell by going along with Oslo ,Road Map
and this is why Israel will suffer greatly now.
Israel ,putting trust in superpower mortal men Bill &George for peace has had the opposite from the beginning and still refuses to awaken and seek Hashem instead.
Israel bowed to these liars and opressed their own righteous settlers for this covenant with death and hell.
My Jewish hero ,who stood alone against his stupid and blind people wrote the warning of Israel's God which those like Dalhia ignore to their doom.
"Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength.Whose heart departs from the Lord.Jeremiah17;5
Like you said, Bush throws a bone and the blind fools fall for it .
BTW ,I'm a Conservative Christian who turned on Bush when he sold out Israel for his satanic inspired Road Map to hell.
Sadly ,so many Jew's and Chrsitian's love to continue to bow to this idol ,false messaih,fake peace maker,also ,Talhia, ranting is my calling,I'm in good company,
,as it was Jeremiah's calling ,and Israel hated him also..........
To Beirut,Lebanon Maronite crying that Israel should talk with hezbollah
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap Isaiah 17;1
What has Israel's restraint ,retreat and appeasment brought to them ?
The ways of the left in Israel have proven an unmitigated failure and disaster.
Islam only bows to brute force.The foolish Arabs took all of Israel's efforts for peace as weakness .
Now they get a down payment on their fatal mistake of reading Israel wrong.
They saw Israel as weak because of their strong desire for peace.
Now Israel must fight to survive in this jihad neighborhood.
The world just doesn't like Jews when they fight for their survival, but they love to visit their holocaust museum's (?)
After losing every war against Israel 1948,1956,1967.1973,1982 ,they forgot their lesson of painful defeat and once again must be reminded that they will always be losers and Israel is here to stay,but Hezbollah is history .
to David Levi in Los AngelesDavid's quote ;
"Leaving Lebanon was good for Israel"
No David ,it was very bad for Israel.
Why is it so hard for so many Jews to face the truth ?
Why do you have to continue to lie ?
What will awaken you up from your delusion ?
Leaving S. Lebanon encouraged hezbollah as they claimed it as their victory.
You never give your avowed enemy bent of your destruction any victory not even a percieved victory.
You refusal to face this serious error is a kind of mental disease of the failed left.
Israel's decades of effort for peace has brought war instead .
The followers of Allah never had any serious intentions for peace with Israel .It's always been the same unchanged plan ,Destroy Israel. The appeasment's surrender and retreat from Jewish land to pacify their enemies has had the opposite effect .It has strengthened and emboldened the enemies of Israel. Islam only understands brute force and only their defeat will bring Israel peace. The head of the snake is not Iran but Russia who supplies all of Israel's enemies with the weapons. Soon Russia will come to the aid of their proxies against Israel .But they will be destroyed by the Hand of Israel's God.
Then the world will learn that Israel is there to stay ,never to be removed.
Response to Leon ,Asking what Yezekiel 38-39 mean.
Leon ,It's about the end of Islam .
Israel will take seven months to bury their dead jihadists in the valley of Jezerel.
We are approaching that time.
What happens next according to the always 100% right ancient Jewish peophets who go way back 1,500 years before mohammed ,you ask ?
Syria ,Egypt get into this war and are destroyed by Israel.
Damascus is reduced to rubble as is Cairo ,Egypt .
This brings in the left over moslems Lybia Etheopia,Sudan Turkey Russia ,Iran against Israel whose armies are wiped out by Divinne intervention of Israel's God .
See Ezekiel 38-39
Egypt and Syria are not mentioned in this Russian led coalition of the doomed.
It's only then that the surviving Islamic world reaalize that allah is a dud and that;
" The God of Israel ,He is God Alone."
No more Islam ,no more jihad and that is good news for Israel.
Get your shovels ready to bury Islam on the mountains of Israel soon.
To Lebanese Christian who said that Israel is harmed by what it's doing in Lebanon
No , Israel is not harmed ,the Arab world along with their bought and paid for whores will always blame Israel.
Israel helps itself immensly.
The cult of death assumed Israel, restrained and limited would just do the minimum and
capitulate again ,releasing murderous terrorist to kill Jews again.
But then ,THANK GOD , Israel woke up !
After so many decades of Israel's restraint has only encouraged these barbarians from hell .
it's refreshing to see Israel awaken from it's long stupor.
I hope they don't go back to sleep anytime soon .
They can't afford to be nice anymore.
Only problem is Olmert may have to be replaced (?)
He's too nice dropping leaflets and attacking mostly empty Hezbollah buildings .
You should all be thankful that it is a weak Israeli P.M. who is in power.
Under the arrogance of Islam ,Nasrallah mistakenly assumed his plan would work out a bit more smoothly.
A serious miscaculation on his part.
The man is now seen for the stupid fool he is ,before he is sent to hell.Last reports are that he is now anger at losing his favorite toaster and has declared all out war against Israel.
The Arab people have forgotten their record of loss in 54' 67'73' and in 82' when U.S. pressure forced Israel to let the father of Islamic terrorism, Arafat, slither off to Tunisia from Beirut.
You mistakenly rely on U.S pressure to work again as it has always worked in the past.
I am confident that the Jews have learned that their failure to use deterrent force against Saddam and his 39 scuds on Israel in 1991 was a grave error and birthed the forgetful era of the Arab nations and their sound defeats prior to this. Once again ,they must be reminded that Israel is there to stay.