Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Most Wise Are Fools

All the plan's of the mightiest men of power on the earth do not lead to where they say their wise ways would lead.
They promised peace if Israel would appease and capitulate to her enemies.
Instead ,the ground has been laid for a major war of biblical proportions.

How many trusted in the fool,liar in chief,false peacemaker with his Iraq and Israel agenda ?

debka -
Thursday morning, the Hamas Executive Force occupied two Fatah strongholds: the Preventive Security HQ and the National Security compound, dragging personnel out and shooting some on the spot. Half-naked Fatah prisoners were paraded in the streets. Masked Hamas fighters seized their US-made and Israeli equipment and vehicle number plates and rifled intelligence files, in the fortified building constructed with US military aid funds after hoisting a green Hamas flag.

A radical Islamic enclave with a dominant Iranian-Syrian military presence has sprung up unopposed as a hostile reality on Israel’s southwestern border. It has made the Israeli-Middle East Quartet’s boycott an irrelevance.
end debka

President Bush's terrorist partner Abbas is irrevelant to peace between Israel and the Palestinian's.
Another collosal failure from the blind fool who sets evil forces in motion to destroy Israel.
A more radical form of Islam has taken deep root because of President Bush's 'peace agenda shoved down Israel's throat.
Everything this President touches becomes a diisaster of monumental proportions.

It's all part of the plan.
His Road Map final solution plan it is working well,that is if you're the devil.
Look east to Iraq and see what your trust,obedience and faith in your idol,the eagle brings to Israel.
It's not peace !
Look to Gaza and see what your great efforts for peace have brought you.
How much longer will you follow decievers and liars,false messiah's and ignore the Holy One of Israel ?

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