I don't believe that the big men, the politicians and the capitalists alone are guilty of the war. Oh, no, the little man is just as keen, otherwise the people of the world would have risen in revolt long ago! There is an urge and rage in people to destroy, to kill, to murder, and until all mankind, without exception, undergoes a great change, wars will be waged, everything that has been built up, cultivated and grown, will be destroyed and disfigured, after which mankind will have to begin all over again.
Anne Frank 1929-1945, German Jewish Refugee, Diarist
The Coming Catastrophy
“We have announced that if our regime is referred to the Security Council, we have several options and one of those is to close off the Straits of Hormuz so that not one drop of oil can be exported”.
“Europeans should especially comprehend that if they do not act wisely and try to act manipulatively with us, the Islamic Republic in turn can and will certainly stop oil leaving its shores to Europe." ...
If Iran is attacked they will definitely retaliate and they have several options on the table. They are definitely not as weak as Iraq and they have strong support from the Chinese and Russian governments. It’s reported that China is looking to invest close to 100 billion dollars into Iran and we are sure these guys are not going to let their investment go up in smoke.
The first thing Iran could do is simply cut of their own oil supply. At this point in time they can afford to do this because they are loaded with money to the gills due to the high price of oil. That would take 4.2 million barrels plus of the market immediately.
The total length of the straits of Hormuz is approximately 280Km and the width at the narrowest point is only about 50km. The strait of Hormuz happens to be one of the most important areas in the world as it’s the only sea route through which oil from Saudi Arabia, Bahrian, Qatar, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and United Arab Emirates can be reach the outside world.
Iran could close the straits of Hormuz completely. At its narrowest point its only 50 km wide. All they would have to do is deploy the copy cat version of the Chinese Silk worm missiles and blow up several super tankers to cause total chaos. These missiles travel nearly at the speed of sound and travel so low that they are practically skimming of the waves; this makes them virtually invisible to radar. Then to make sure that no one comes in they could flood the place with mines. Take a look at the map above if the straits were closed all those oil producing nations would have no way to get their oil to the markets. Over 21 million barrels a day of production would be cut of instantaneously; this is more then what the US consumes......
Now many are going to say that the US is not going to allow the straits to remain closed they can send in the Huge Aegis war ships. That’s where the dreadful Iranian SSN-22 missiles come in. These missiles were basically designed by the Russians to deal with Super Aegis’s defence system. They travel at twice the speed of sound and can be launched from up to 120km away from the target (remember at the narrowest point the Strait of Hormuz is only 50km wide; its believed that this point is heavily fortified with Silkworm missiles and the SSN-22 Sunburn missiles). There is no defence against the SSN-22 it will virtually rip an Aegis war ship in half and the Iranians have hundred of these missiles. The US navy would be stuck and unable to open up the Strait of Hormuz. In the Falklands war Argentina had less then 9 anti ship sea skimming missiles (they were produced by France and were similar in nature though not as fast as the Russian Sunburns) and they were able to sink 2 British war ships. Imagine the damage Iran could do with the hundreds of the worlds fastest anti ship missiles
I can promise you that the Navy and other assets have a highly defined plan to destroy much of the offensive weapons that Iran holds prior to other strikes. Do you think we would advertise a counter measure to the SSN22 and silk worm? In addition, destrucition of their command and control would impact it as well. However, I do agree that Iran has the abilty to bloody us more than Iraq. If they were to hit us with any of these weapons into a high valued ship we would release tactical nukes on their installations. Case in point is the new russian air defense that was supposed to be not able to be penetrated protecting Syrias nuclear sites proved otherwise and if the Israeli's have that capability we sure as hell do.
Also many EW lessions were learned after a silk worm hit the israeli gun boat during the last lebannon war.
What you leave out is that we fight in our own strength now and God is no longer with us.
We threw Him overboard.
I believe stongly that God is setting the U.S. up for destruction because of our wickedness and what we are doing to Israel.
When He is against us ,we lose even if they were shooting eggs and blanks at us.
Watch for major unexpected surprises and help from Russia and China to defeat us.
We are broke economically,worn out militarily,and spiritually lost on top of being full of pride.
That's just a little of the handwriting on the wall against U.S.
Bush will make a stupid move
as I beleive this was what the speedboat trap was all about.
and we will unprepared andshocked by the overwhelming response.
Do a google search on NEW RUSSIAN MISSILES which we are not ready for.
Navy Lacks Plan to Defend Against `Sizzler' Missile
By Tony Capaccio
March 23 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Navy, after nearly six years of warnings from Pentagon testers, still lacks a plan for defending aircraft carriers against a supersonic Russian-built missile, according to current and former officials and Defense Department documents.
The missile, known in the West as the ``Sizzler,'' has been deployed by China and may be purchased by Iran. Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England has given the Navy until April 29 to explain how it will counter the missile, according to a Pentagon budget document.
The Defense Department's weapons-testing office judges the threat so serious that its director, Charles McQueary, warned the Pentagon's chief weapons-buyer in a memo that he would move to stall production of multibillion-dollar ship and missile programs until the issue was addressed.
``This is a carrier-destroying weapon,'' said Orville Hanson, who evaluated weapons systems for 38 years with the Navy. ``That's its purpose.''
Gen. John Corley, the head of the U.S. Air Combat Command, said about 160 of the jets may never return to service after an investigation into the November 2 crash that left the plane's pilot seriously injured.
The single-seat F-15C broke up in a 500-mph turn during a combat training mission over Missouri, with its fuselage breaking in half behind the cockpit, an Air Force probe of the crash determined.
Investigators concluded that a critical piece of the jet's airframe broke during the flight because of a manufacturing defect. A defective longeron -- a metal strut that runs lengthwise down the fuselage -- was cut improperly by the manufacturer, Boeing, and led to a series of cracks over the plane's lifespan, Corley said.
"Some of these airplanes will never return to flight," Corley said. "The age, the fatigue on these airplanes has been manifest as we looked under the hood extensively over these last two months."
Protection from the antiship missile "Yakhont" does not exist
the Russian producers of sea armaments they present in the world armorer market the version of antiship missile with artificial intelligence "Yakhont".As the experts of the academy of military sciences reported today Itar- TASS, "Yakhont" it was intended for dealing with the sea aircraft-carrying groupings and has the most perfect guidance system:with the salvo fire of the rocket they themselves classify targets/purposes according to the importance, are selected the tactics of attack and the plan/layout of its conducting.After destroying main target/purpose, rockets attack the other craft according to diagram "one ship - one rocket".During the next decades not one fleet of the world will have the combat means with this Russian weapon.According to the tactical-technical characteristics the "Yakhont" considerably exceeds rockets like the "harpoon" (USA), "otomat" (Italy), "Exocet" (France)."Yakhont" weighs 3 tons (length - 8,9 m, diameter - 0,7 m).Flying range - is more than 300 km at the speed almost three times of that exceeding the speed of sound.The weight of the warhead of the rocket - 200 kg. with the target approach "Yakhont" is reduced above the sea surface to 1,5 m. in the opinion of experts, "Yakhont" will not have competitors on the world market for weapon into nearest quarter of century.
search ;
Moskit mach 3
and these are already many years old.
You are correct about throwing God overboard and W is making judgement complete by turning his back on Israel. Dividing Jeruselem will the end of us.
Unfortunately I think we will go with nukes quickly in the next war.
I saw all those articles before and took them with a grain of salt. I am sure all the weapons have been taken into account for the planning. But if God is not our side, they can use ramming rods and we would sink.
I've seen all of these articles and they are similar to the Exocet missile so they are deadly. However, if it were the Russians firing these I would be more concerned. We have a superior C3 capability and can disrupt theirs very quickly. We can disagree on our ability to defend OURselves but you hit the nail on the head with the comment about us throwing God overboard.
Our nation is ripe for judgement and instead of turning back to the Lord many hearts are hardening. W is sealing out collective fates with his roadmap and if he succeeds in dividing Jeruselem, judgement will be quick and harsh. If it is manifested in a naval defeat or econimic collapse the outcome will be the same.
Our arrogance is going to catch up to us but a recent report that shows a majority of Israelis want Hillary to win makes me wonder if Israel is worth fighting for to begin with. Israel was blinded before and their current leadership is sending them to the depths again. What can we do to right the ship other than prayer?
I enjoy your blog.
ususally comments are forwarded to my email.I only found these 2 comments above by chance at my blog.I'm sorry for the delay.
" a majority of Israelis want Hillary to win makes me wonder if Israel is worth fighting for to begin with."
I believe very soon the U.S. will no longer be a stumbling block (issue) for Israel and they will have no one else to turn to but Hashem.
The Idol of Israel (destroyer by way of peace) will be broken in a thousand and one pieces.
Interesting that right during and after Bush's betrayal of Israel tour that our one mighty 'superpower' pillar,the dollar ,the economy is crumbling even further.
No matter how hard the Govt. spinners try they can't patch up Humpty Dumpty who has already take a deadly fall.
Israel's government is working to pass Bloshevik,Stalinist laws to silence all opposition as is the U.S. in a more stealth manner.
The last refuge of criminal's who use the law to oppress God's people who resist their evil agenda.
God will interfere with them and their plans.
I have no doubt that big brother is watching and listening to what is being said that runs contrary to their evil anti-christ agenda.
Marcel, what you say makes it imperative that we try to dialogue with Iran. Our economy in the US will tank if this oil is blocked.
I have certain religious views that may differ from most here. But my natural father is a descendent of the Jews and I was adopted at three months.
I have the interest of Israel as an important interest. I believe Israel should be defended by treaty, and not by domination of the middle east. That can only result in a destabilization that may hurt Israel in the long run. I think the neocons would rather line their pockets first and help Israel as an afterthought. That is my opinion.
dialogue ?
Like the 'dialogue' with Neville Chamberlain and Adolph Hitler ?
Treaty with the cult of death folks who see treaties as a way to destroy Israel whom they see as weak.
Keep in mind that Israel was only feared by the followers of alla when their armies were defeated ,not dialogued.
The evil part the U.S. plays in restraining Israel with this false peace will bring about America's destruction.
I don't see how you could ignore the domination of Islam in the Middle East right now which seems fine with you.
How is that possible ?
It is not permissable for Israel and the Jew to dominated a very tiny sliver of land surrounded by this intolerant evil satanic false religion ?
I think you ignore that the Holy One of Israel is in control, setting the stage for judgment of this earth starting with the U.S. nd this is why He has allowed Iran to arise
How is that possible
Marcel, thanks for allowing my post. I would just say that if Israel feels threatened they have the right to respond, but, it may not be in their interest to do so.
If anything, America has supported Israel incorrectly, with Bush/Cheney lusting for oil and using Israel as a convenient reason for securing oil reserves for domestic companies that cannot find squat.
Adolph Hitler was an invader, while I do not see Iran invading anyone. So maybe Iran is the next Nazi Germany, or maybe she isn't.
Israel should not feel too superior in war these days, because they did not do such a great job in the last war. Yes, they could nuke their enemies, but their enemies would increase tenfold. As far as conventional war is concerned, they couldn't stop the missles from Hezbollah, let alone Iran.
This is my view, that Israel is ordained by God to be in existence, but that she is not the holy nation of old. She is in need of the Messiah, and it is my view that the messiah has turned his back on the Gentiles in these last of the last days. It is time for the Jews to receive the one on the cross and the elect chosen from before the foundation of the world will.
I am a descendent of the Jews, as my natural father was Jewish, but I was adopted out to Gentiles.
As far as being able to fight their way out of this mess they have with their enemies, I view this as an impossibility, that could end in a disaster, but that may be God's will as well.
If you, Marcel, believe that Israel is invincible, then you have that right. But they don't seem to have the magic of 1967 let alone the power of the Old Testament administration.
Israel should do the right thing, pay reparations to the palestinian families that were displaced, and try to make peace with the palestinians, which would give Iran no reason to be hostile.
Perhaps you think war is the way to heaven, but I can guarantee you, Marcel, that it is not. The war of Truth is now spiritual, not physical. The elect descendents of the Jews will be saved, but few will be saved.
If anything, America has supported Israel incorrectly"
I disagree,
It's much worse than 'incorrectly'
America has treacherously betrayed Israel for gain$
"Israel should not feel too superior in war these days, because they did not do such a
great job in the last war"
Yes ,pride of Lucifer is dangerous and this is why moslems will lose again,again.
The false friend,the US restrains Israel from defeating her enemies under their counterfeit peace.
It was Bush/Rice who rushed the ceasefire resolution to the UN with the French just as the IDF was making progress against Hezbollah and crossing the Litani River in Lebanon.
For America's wickedness ,and dividing Israel she will soon be destroyed and this is why God will allow our enemies Russia,Iran,Cuba,Venezuela,Nicuarguara,N.Korea and China to destroy US.
For ISRAEL'S sin of making a god out of America and ignoring the Holy One of Israel will pay a heavy price.
Jesus fights for Israel and so Israel is invincable.
The whole surviving world will then know that the God of Israel ,He is God alone and Islam will be no more ,exposed for the lying fraud that it was as Islam's armies are destroyed by God.
Israel needs to learn she does not need the U.S. ,they need to return to the one only true God
you wrote ;
"Perhaps you think war is the way to heaven, but I can guarantee you, Marcel, that it is not. The war of Truth is now spiritual, not physical. The elect descendents of the Jews will be saved, but few will be saved."
You don't seem to know the Bible ?
God is angry with the nations for what they are doing to Israel and their evil perverted ways.
God is going to kill all of His and Israel's enemies ,it is He who is gathering the natiOns to Israel so He can destroy them.
Don't you know the Bible says that the blood will be up to the horse's bridle in the valley of Jehoshaphat ?
Think about it, very few Moslems, few American's few gentiles,few Christian's and few Jews will be saved.
'Israel should do the right thing, pay reparations to the palestinian families that were displaced, and try to make peace with the palestinians, which would give Iran no reason to be hostile.'
That is what all pride filled headed for hell moslem's say.
Why is there so much lie's and deception in islam ?
is it because their god is the father of lies satan ?
Regarding the paying of reparations: my mother was descended from an Indian nation and was paid some reparation by the state of California. Israel should pay the families that were displaced in the foundation of Israel. If they were driven from their homes, and many were, they should get a piece of the amazing progress that Israel has made. It is the right thing to do.
As far as Ezekiel is concerned, I view the fulfillment as being a spiritual war rather than a physical fulfillment. I believe the New Covenant made with Israel has to do with the establishment of a kingdom not of this world, a spiritual Israel that has a circumcision that is not made with hands. Paul said that the gospel of Christ acted as a sword of the spirit, cutting this new circumcision in the heart. Isaiah said that the new heart is gift of the New Covenant that is to be made with the house of Israel.
Interesting how you have nothing to say about the rich Arabs with their oil have no rsponsibility to pay the hundreds of thousands of Jews who fled these many Arab countries for their lives in 1948.
Why are you so biased and so quick to give a pass to the intolerant folowers of allah who only know hate and bloodshed ?????????
Please put your reparations where the sun does not shine !
"...spiritual war rather than a physical fulfillment"
Where do you get the right to sAy this ? are you God ?
You cannot seperate the physical from the spiritual. Those who do are deceived.
The blind leading the blind.
Marcel, it is attitudes like you have toward the palestinians who were forceably removed from their homes that make so many people hate Israel. I believe that Israel is ordained to be in existence. That does NOT mean that they should not do the right thing. You have a really pathetic view of justice and right and wrong. Maybe that is what is wrong with right wing Judaism today. No conscience.
you have nothing to say about the evil Islam has done against Israel and the Jews ?
I'm a Christian ,you pathetic lying ,intolerant, devious, devil worshiping moslem.
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