Wednesday, March 19, 2008

morning musing

Why are the nations so intent on rewarding the belligerent,intolerant,vicious,evil followers of allah with someone elses land ?
A people with no land to spare.

You don't really believe it is based on good intentions or doing the right thing do you ?
My hope is that you have not been seduced by the deceiver,the father of lies.
He has many faces and loyal followers,all working to destroy the Israel of God.
If you silently go along with the Bush Road Map ,you are with this evil one.

The greedy Arabs have more than enough land and refuse to allow any place for the Jews,not even the small sliver of land they continue to inhabit after five Arab wars to exterminate Israel.
Their unchanged goal is not hidden.
And now all the world wants to reward this ongoing agenda of Satan,Israel's destruction.
The whole world has chosen to side with evil and that's why things will go to hell fast for this present world.
The harder you push Israel the more you, yourself will bleed.

The truth is hard to find today as lying politicians ,phony religious leaders and false prophets do not posess it and only feed the masses with their noxious deadly poison mixed with sweet smooth words.
evil smiles and easily seduces those who do not seek God with all their heart.

It is good to remind everyone ,especially the moslems that their faith is all based on lies.
Delusion is their potent drug of choice.
Their foundation looks strong now but under the rotting surface ,it begins to crumble.
God's enemies are always loudest and arrogant before their end and their destruction by His hand is nearer than it has ever been.
More threats and intimidation from the cult of death,that's their only weapon because their allah is impotent.
Moslems hate the truth ,they live in a lie and delusion incapable of dealing with reality.
An example is their record of defeat while attempting to exterminate non-moslem,so called, infidel Israel.
They are angry losers who rely solely on intimidation,threats and violence.
The biggest lie of Islam is that the moon god they serve is merciful,and compassionate.
It is no where to be found.
The sad reality is that faithles Israel is so fearful and intimidated by this evil, intolerant religion from hell that they appease and surrender to them at every opportunity.
Of course we cannot ignore the pressure on Israel from all the nation's.

Israel ignores their God and follows this sure way to calamity by way of appeasment and the Road Map from hell.
This faithlesness will not continue much longer.
No peace is possible with Islam.

Those who love lies and follow liars call Islam a 'religion of peace'

exerpted from link below ;

These headlines today have me fuming. Mad. How can Israel stand against these nations - these overwhelming numbers?
But you know what? You’re all going to lose. You cannot consistently adopt this position against Israel, against what’s just and what’s true and think you’ll get away with it. There is a day of reckoning coming, a day when the Son of David is going to go to war against all of you, and nothing you have in your arsenal, nothing, will be able to save you from defeat, destruction and damnation.
Your time is running out world. Yes, even your time, America. Keep going the way you are. Abuse and condemn and misjudge and squeeze and take risks with Israel’s security. In short, do your worst. Bring it on, and see what happens to you.
Soon all mankind is going to hear a sound; a sound like thunder. Except that it won’t be thunder. It’ll be fury; a roar. The roar of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (yes, He is a Jew).
He is coming and you, nations of the world, you’re going to lose. You’re going to lose big time.
jerusalem watchman


A Seed Sower said...

What are some Christians going to do when they realize, i mean really realize, that Jesus is a Jew, and that He really does love His nation Israel.....

Anonymous said...

He who sits in the Heavens laughs at the plots of mankind regarding Israel. He is the God of Hosts. The armies the Prophet saw in the days of old gathered against Israel's armies, which were invisible to the Prophets servant, still exists and is ready to become active one last time!

Fear not. Keep interceding on behalf of His people. When it looks like sudden death and destruction Israel will awaken and God will deliver her.

That, dear friends, is what He specializes in!!

The present events in the Mideast are just revealing who is on His side, and who is not.

Unlike our President, when God says "you are either for us or against us" He MEANS IT.


Marcel said...

Every day ,the Lord blesses His children who trust in Him.
I found this today while surfing and the first song is a wonderful blessing.

Anonymous said...

But weren't the Arabs there first before 1948? jean

Marcel said...

Jean ,if the arabs want to play th we were there first game ,they lose.
The Jews were there as a nation since Joshua crossed over the Jordan river in 1405 B.C.
And before that Abraham, the father of the chosen people, Israel planted his family there in 2000 B.C.
The arabs have 22 nations and that is not enough for them ,they don't want the Jews to have anything.
It's a terminal battle between the lie of Islam and the truth of Israel .
This is why the Moslem's lose at war and are not capable of removing Israel from thier land.