Monday, December 01, 2008

In ? We Trust

Change is on the way,all planned by the globalist elite gangsters.
Today the number of U.S. troops to be assigned to domestic duty has risen from 3,000 to 20,000.
The government is preparing for change.
well done, good job,proud man.

Bush says some voters backed Obama ‘because of me’

President Bush told an interviewer that his presidency may have helped Barack Obama win the White House.
"I think it was a repudiation of Republicans," he told Charlie Gibson of ABC News,
Doug McIntosh
The real goal of the Mumbai attacks, in my opinion, was to destabilize Pakistan and free up the tribal areas for offensive military operations against NATO in Afghanistan. It was also to assist global Jihad by a spectacular terror strike. Al Qaida has been engaged in a terror offensive in Somalia for some time. These "pirates" are merely fund raisers for global Jihad. Now that the Ethiopians are pulling out you can look for Somalia to become the next front in global Jihad.
John McTernan
Recession in U.S. Started in December 2007 21/01/08 The recession began immediately after the Annapolis meeting initiated by President Bush to divide Israel and Jerusalem. The following is from the update to my book As America Has Done To Israel regarding the Annapolis meetings:
"The Middle East conference that the President called for in July was held November 27, 28 in Annapolis , Maryland . There was nothing new about this conference as it centered on Israel dividing the covenant land for peace. The only significant item from the conference was President Bush set the end of 2008 as the date for the creation of a Palestinian state. During the Annapolis conference, the economy was continuing to collapse and the stock market was falling. On November 27, the headlines of the New York Times reported, ‘Stocks Now in a Correction, Down 10% From Recent High." All the economic news was negative as oil continued to claim. On November 27, the USA Today reported, "Foreclosures to have profound impact report warns." This meeting coincided with a major downturn in the stock market. While the conference was meeting, the stock market was classified in a correction. The market reached its all time high of 14,164 on October 9, by the end of November it fell 1400 points."

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