Grozny after Russia completed their mission.
What we are seeing on a global scale is the hypocricy of the international community and their double standard which is only directed against Israel.
I don't know how many years the Russians took to bomb Grozny back into hte stone age,but after a week the global community works night and day to stop Israel from defeating Hamas.
They us their supposed care for civilians to implement their evil deed.
We see how many years on Sudan has committed genocide against the people of Darfur and they still to this day allow the civilians of Darfur to suffer under the Islamic government of Sudan
and do nothing . Years and years of doing nothing while a week into Israels war for survival they come to the rescuue of Hamas with a worthless ceasefire scam.
Israel is different because they are Jews trying to survive in a sea of Islamic hate,brutal violence and intolerance and so the rules are rewritten by the international community against Israel to make sure she no longer defeats another Moslem army.
God is going to mete out His judgment's on the earth now for this evil.
This is the tipping point.
Hamas is a much greater threat to Israel than the Chechnyan rebels were to Russia.There is no comparison except that these are also moslem killers for their demon god allah.
When the Russians cleaned out the Islamic army from Grozny there was not the outcry from the International community or the desperate plea for huminatarian aid we see with those who trouble Israel today.
Russia did not have grads and kassems and mortars falling on their cities and yet they leveled Grozny with civilians not spared.
Israel is held to an impossible requrement and must stop playing this losing game to survive.
Israel has fallen into a trap that makes it certain Hamas is not defeated.
Russia did not have grads and kassems and mortars falling on their cities and yet they leveled Grozny with civilians not spared.
Israel is held to an impossible requrement and must stop playing this losing game to survive.
Israel has fallen into a trap that makes it certain Hamas is not defeated.
The call for monitors is just a deeper hole in this trap.
When I walked into Gaza from Kibbutz Erez in 1977 the Palestinians has only spit to use for their weapon of choice ,no guns, no rockets ,no mortars,nothing.
Under the 'peace process 'Israel imported Yasser Arafat into the country and permitted the Palestinian's to grow into a formidable army for this strange peace Israel continues to insanely follow.
Under direction from the peace masters in Washington Israel retreated from the smuggling tunnles into Gaza allowing what we see today to occur in Ashkelon,Asdod,Sderot,Beersheva and elsewhere. These are the rewards Israel receives on their heads for religiously obeying their false god Bush and his counterfeit peace.
Israel is where it is today with rockets fired into it's cities because Israel listened to and followed the U.S /Quartet peace agenda and ignored the words of Hashem to make no agreement with her enemies but to 'drive them out' (Exodus 23_27-33)
I wonder when Israel will stop electing idol worshipers to lead them ?
There was never any possibility for peace with the Palestinians ,not even Fatah ,you trusted in lies and now reality falls over much of Israel.
Now the neutered,defeatist,idol worshipers who rule Israel wants monitors to take over as does their god Bush.
It goes from bad to worse because Israel follows idols and ignores Hashem.
When I walked into Gaza from Kibbutz Erez in 1977 the Palestinians has only spit to use for their weapon of choice ,no guns, no rockets ,no mortars,nothing.
Under the 'peace process 'Israel imported Yasser Arafat into the country and permitted the Palestinian's to grow into a formidable army for this strange peace Israel continues to insanely follow.
Under direction from the peace masters in Washington Israel retreated from the smuggling tunnles into Gaza allowing what we see today to occur in Ashkelon,Asdod,Sderot,Beersheva and elsewhere. These are the rewards Israel receives on their heads for religiously obeying their false god Bush and his counterfeit peace.
Israel is where it is today with rockets fired into it's cities because Israel listened to and followed the U.S /Quartet peace agenda and ignored the words of Hashem to make no agreement with her enemies but to 'drive them out' (Exodus 23_27-33)
I wonder when Israel will stop electing idol worshipers to lead them ?
There was never any possibility for peace with the Palestinians ,not even Fatah ,you trusted in lies and now reality falls over much of Israel.
Now the neutered,defeatist,idol worshipers who rule Israel wants monitors to take over as does their god Bush.
It goes from bad to worse because Israel follows idols and ignores Hashem.
All this stuff is so hyprocritical. The nations of the earth should hang their heads in shame...and they will one day...Israel has a right to defend herself as a nation.
Israel is a sheep amoung thousands of wolves! She will eventually be surrounded on all sides with no way of escape. Only God will save Israel in that day. And then Israel will throw all her filthy idols into the streets and burn her own occult flag! By then the whore of babylon will be long gone so we won't have to look at her occult flag anymore either!
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