"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence" (John 18:36).
The fact that Christ's Kingdom Is not of this world is enough to keep me out of the world's politics. If I participate in politics, then I am casting a vote of confidence in the system's ability to solve the world's problems. But frankly, I have no such confidence because I know that "the whole world lieth in wickedness" (1 John 5:19).
Politics has proved singularly ineffective in solving the problems of society. Political remedies are nothing but a band-aid on a festering sore: they do not get at the source of the infection. We know that sin is the basic trouble in our sick society. Anything that fails to deal with sin cannot be taken seriously as a cure.
It becomes a matter of priorities, then. Should I spend time in political involvement or should I devote that same time to the spread of the gospel? Jesus answered the question when He said, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God" (Luke 9:60). Our top priority must be to make Christ known because He is the answer to the world's problems.
--William MacDonald, One Day at a Time, Gospel Folio Press, p. 24.
The political apostate's of the right had their idol who could do no evil and now the godless left have their idol.
These two groups of idol worshipers are more divided than ever.
Obama has used the image and memory of President Lincoln to reflect his devious agenda.
Will we see another Civil War in America ?
As the mesmerized masses gather in Washington to worship their god there is much reverence and high hopes.
I wonder how long before the strong delusion is swept away and reality hit's ?
The evil nations
This global appeasment of Hamas terrorists and according these killers for allah status while abusing Israel's right to defend themselves against this Islamic onslaught will boomerang on the world community.
We all know that the Moslems do not just want a return to 67' borders they want to remove this only non-Islamic state from their midst.
The Useless Media cover this up and have us believe that if Israel surrenders more land that we will have peace.
The US,EU,UN,NGO's International media are all guilty of genocide against the Jews and Israel because they cover up the Islamic agenda against non Islamic Israel and go out of their way to aid Israel's enemies.
We all know that the Moslems do not just want a return to 67' borders they want to remove this only non-Islamic state from their midst.
The Useless Media cover this up and have us believe that if Israel surrenders more land that we will have peace.
The US,EU,UN,NGO's International media are all guilty of genocide against the Jews and Israel because they cover up the Islamic agenda against non Islamic Israel and go out of their way to aid Israel's enemies.
What they are doing is much worse than appeasment.
They will all pay a heavy price for their evil against Israel and their judgment will come down from above.
The titular head of the Useless UN Ban Ki-Moon visits Gaza today. I wonder if he will visit East Congo and Kivu soon where the war has been going on for many many years without the outcry we saw against Israel by the hypocrites in the media ,UN,EU,US and NGO's ?
They will all pay a heavy price for their evil against Israel and their judgment will come down from above.
The titular head of the Useless UN Ban Ki-Moon visits Gaza today. I wonder if he will visit East Congo and Kivu soon where the war has been going on for many many years without the outcry we saw against Israel by the hypocrites in the media ,UN,EU,US and NGO's ?
The BBC's Thomas Fessy in the Congolese capital Kinshasa says diplomatic and UN sources fear a humanitarian disaster because of a possible lack of military planning and consultation with the international community
Jean-Paul Dietrich, a spokesman for the UN peacekeeping mission in DR Congo, told our correspondent that Rwandan troops had entered North Kivu province near the city of Goma and were heading for the town of Rutshuru.
Some 250,000 people have been displaced since August 2008, when the CNDP rebels led by Gen Laurent Nkunda resumed fighting with the Congolese army.
Before last month's deal was signed, the UN accused Rwanda and DR Congo of fighting a proxy war in the region - with Rwanda backing Gen Nkunda and DR Congo of working with the FDLR.
Some 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed during the 1994 Rwandan genocide, before Tutsi rebels led by current President Paul Kagame took control of the country.
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