Yellow area is proposed Palestinian state in the heart of Israel,cutting it in half.
The evil U.S. drive to divide Israel will bring this nation down to hell so fast we won't know what happened until its too late.
Obama & Hillary announced that America will give these same two Muslim terrorist leaders between 600-800 million dollars for Gaza reconstruction. The map shows what the proposed antichrist Road Map from hell looks like on a map of Israel.
The yellow portion is what the antichrist Road Map from hell proposes to add to the Gaza Insanity.
The antichrist Road Map from hell proposes to give part of Jerusalem and the Mountains of Israel, also known as Judea and Samaria. It often amazes me how few seem to recognize what this antichrist Road Map idea of that yellow section on the map of Israel REALLY represents. It represents the single specific action of the nations, which have gone MAD in these last days, which God has said would cause the FURY of God Almighty to come up in His Face. The gridlock in the Israel government is GOOD.
The Obama nation administration is not pleased with this situation in Israel. Obama has already sent George Mitchell to talk with Livni to get her Kadima party to join with Netanyahu to continue the land for peace insanity. And if that were not enough, HILLARY IS ON THE WAY TO ISRAEL. Netanyahu, without his fellow treacherous dealers in Kadima, has a weak government that can NOT continue the land for peace covenant making with the Muslim Terrorists, no matter how much Netanyahu really wants to do that.
In order to keep his government, and not have to call for new elections, Netanyahu will have to stop the land for peace covenants with the Muslim Terrorists.
The other small, right, NO MORE land for peace parties, which will form Netanyahu's government, will be able to effectively stop Netanyahu's CFR member desires, to continue the land for peace insanity with the Muslim terrorists.
(exerpt from Jim Searcy's yahoo groups email )
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