Friday, February 20, 2009

Shabbat Snacks

1.Anti-Christ Scenario

Transform Your Mind -The Sky is Falling

Famine is Coming to America

2.Federal Water
Federal water managers said Friday that they plan to cut off water, at least temporarily, to thousands of California farms as a result of the deepening drought gripping the state.

The other painful consequence to the new system soon taking root is that the global commodity supply routes will bypass the US destinations, enough to create mammoth shortages. Such is the fate of a nation thrust to the Third World. Its people and its leaders still do not realize it, as denial is ensconced in hope. The US credit supply has already been severed and cut almost completely off. Reliance upon the printing press to finance its own debts is a primary trait of a Third World nation, a shocking fact soon to be recognized.

4.The Great Depression has Arrived- Collapsing American Dreams

John Rich – "They're out there losing millions and it's up to me and you to come running to the rescue. Well pardon me if I don't shed a tear/they're selling make believe and we don't buy that here/cause in the real world they're shutting Detroit down, while the boss man takes his bonus pay and jets on out of town/DC's paying out the bankers as the farmers auction ground/while they're living it up on Wall Street in that New York City town, here in the real world they're shutting Detroit down."

My favorite line is – "the boss man takes his bonus pay and jets on out of town."
Wow! All these collapsed dreams! All the thousands of baby boomers with calloused hands looking at 50% reduced portfolios. What's a mother to do? Well, there's always Wal-Mart. And McDonalds needs someone to keep their tables clean. And let's not forgot The Waffle House. An old trusted stand in. Work as a short order cook for 60 hours a week. The opportunities are endless for those with empty bank accounts.

1 comment:

Rick said...

"And let's not forgot The Waffle House. An old trusted stand in. Work as a short order cook for 60 hours a week."
How true. I did it for years and it was always a paycheck.