To the Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu
Safeguard the Land of Israel!
Behind this poster, bearing its message on buses throughout Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, are thousands of Jews who gave of their money to give you strength as you embark on your mission to the United States.
The people of Israel know that this trip will be fateful for their future.
You were chosen to lead the Jewish People at this time because, unlike your rivals, you spoke the truth.
Behind this poster, bearing its message on buses throughout Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, are thousands of Jews who gave of their money to give you strength as you embark on your mission to the United States.
The people of Israel know that this trip will be fateful for their future.
You were chosen to lead the Jewish People at this time because, unlike your rivals, you spoke the truth.
You said that concessions for a fraudulent “peace” only brings weakness and war. You never accepted that deceitful slogan “two states for two peoples” because you understood that it was a crafty formula for the destruction of the State of Israel.
In the last election, the Israeli people rejected those leaders who raced to squander and surrender our national interests. They brought us 1,500 victims of “peace”, a rain of Kassams in the South, a Hamas government in Gaza, Hezbollah rule in Lebanon, and the tremendous strengthening of our enemies in Israel and around the world.
Mr. Netanyahu, don't fear conflict with President Obama because there is no avoiding it. We've already learned that the more concessions we make, the more pressure is brought to bear.
In the last election, the Israeli people rejected those leaders who raced to squander and surrender our national interests. They brought us 1,500 victims of “peace”, a rain of Kassams in the South, a Hamas government in Gaza, Hezbollah rule in Lebanon, and the tremendous strengthening of our enemies in Israel and around the world.
Mr. Netanyahu, don't fear conflict with President Obama because there is no avoiding it. We've already learned that the more concessions we make, the more pressure is brought to bear.
The only way to reduce American pressure is to stand fast against it and to firmly insist on our rights to the Land of Israel.
Tens of millions of Americans and their representatives in the Congress and Senate support a strong Israel and are opposed to the concessions that the White House is trying to force upon you.
Who knows better than yourself how to work with the true friends of Israel to secure our national interests, which are also the best interests of the United States and the whole world.
Mr. Prime Minister, we call on you to stand strong and firm and to take your place in history as the leader who saved Israel from the spiral of destruction brought upon her by the Oslo Accords. Go in peace and return whole to the Land of our Fathers, the Land of Israel.
The Grassroots campaign for Israel’s Future
For information and to sponsor buses:
Mr. Prime Minister, we call on you to stand strong and firm and to take your place in history as the leader who saved Israel from the spiral of destruction brought upon her by the Oslo Accords. Go in peace and return whole to the Land of our Fathers, the Land of Israel.
The Grassroots campaign for Israel’s Future
For information and to sponsor buses:
050-5500834 or 050-7161818
We will see more and more of this as 'good' moslems will always side with 'bad' moslems against we infidels.
We don't belong there working to build Satan's New World Order.
This is the end result of the U.S. involvment in these Islamic countries.The iron of Islam and clay of democracy do not mix well.
A nation which has turned away from God grows in stupidity until it is utterly destroyed.
We don't belong there working to build Satan's New World Order.
This is the end result of the U.S. involvment in these Islamic countries.The iron of Islam and clay of democracy do not mix well.
A nation which has turned away from God grows in stupidity until it is utterly destroyed.
The Health Department said the assistant principal from the Susan B. Anthony middle school is on a ventilator, marking the most severe illness in the city from swine flu to date
The assistant principal, identified by colleagues as Mitch Weiner, may have had pre-existing health problems, the mayor said. In many other swine flu cases that turned critical, patients had pre-existing conditions.
The assistant principal, identified by colleagues as Mitch Weiner, may have had pre-existing health problems, the mayor said. In many other swine flu cases that turned critical, patients had pre-existing conditions.
It is a fact which the Pharmaceutical drug pusher industry hide's.
Much of the poison they greedily hustle damages the imune system of the poor fools who put their trust in evil men.
Trust in the wrong kingdom, person will kill you.
It begins in the places where the corrupt government, school system threw God out in 1961 and who now destroy the souls of little children with their diversityperversity.
The sword,famine,pestilence -we will see an increase in all of these divine judgments on this cursed nation.
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