Israel is in a state of trepidation and unease as their Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu goes to Washington for demonic guidance not divine guidance.
There is much fear and doubt among those who only look to their idol and ignore God.
This is a test from God to expose who are those of faith and those of fear in Israel.
Those who got on their knees to their idol Washington for so long now tremble.
The God of Israel is not worried about these two nobodies,Amadinejad and NoBama.
HaShem is seperating the sheep from the goat for the endtime harvest.
The faithless ,fearfu,l godless of Israel and the remnant who seek and trust in Him ALONE.
The latter remnant will meet their long lost Messiah on His return to Jerusalem.
California Watch
exerpt ;
The Hard Left's play state is about to become God's example of hell on earth.
The church shows no signs of repentance, although there are a few churches which have made a stand.
It appears that this summer is going to be an economic crunch time for California, as it can no longer function as a state.
Remember, this is all happening just one year after the state legalized homosexual marriage. The decision of the California State Supreme Court on Proposition 8 is still pending.
My position has not changed. If you can get out of California, leave now as this state is on the verge of being turned into hell on earth.
May God bless and protect you.
John McTernan
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