Monday, August 10, 2009

Google and Blogger Shut Down Sibel Edmons Blog

A few weeks ago I started receiving ‘Google & Blogger warnings’ from my technologically savvy friends and well-wishers, who encouraged me to have a mirror site as a back up and or cease using Google’s Blogger all together. I did take these warnings seriously and started looking at alternatives and other options.
Sibel Edmond
I don't think those who write the truth are long for blogger , google or the internet as the anti-Christ system has raised it's ugly head to make war on the saints and everyone else who exposes their evil agenda.
What is so amazing is that this beasts' tentacles is so big and powerful in the home of the no longer free USA.
Back in2007 I posted a youtube video of an Iranian (Hizbollah) moslem named Afshin and his incredible encounter with Jesus Christ in a prison cell in Indonesia.
His testimony was the best I have ever heard since Saul of Tarsus because it was a sovereign act of God in the prison cell .
I went back to look for it today and it was removed.
No doubt because it was very powerful and offended Moslems with change from hate and bloodshed to peace and forgivness of all sins in Jesus Christ.
The devil and his servants use the lie of 'hate' speech to silence the truth when it is they who love darkness and hate the truth.

Truly deep darkness has descended and it's only a matter of time before the thought police bring us to Daniels prophecies of the last empire and it's 3 1/2 year reign of terror over the earth.
George Orwells' new world animal farm and 1984.

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