Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Fruits of Apostacy

There are no secular solutions for a spiritual disease." The bums will not be thrown out they are where they are for a reason, and if they should drop by the wayside they will simply be replaced with those who are equally perverse. ........

If the camera operators filming him were to indulge us with close-ups of his mug we would most likely find that Barack Obama has chapped lips from kissing mirrors.

Braying Bernie Strikes Again
The US economy is not weak. It is withering away into nothingness. Just like our NWO masters have long planned. It is madness, but there is method in this NWO inspired economic collapse.They know exactly what they are doing to achieve their political goal of collapsing the USA into region 10.

I am telling you openly and plainly. The banking system is insolvent, despite Braying Bernie pumping over 2 TRILLION into it.

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