Today Hillary is back in Israel working hard to steal God's land for her master Satan under the lie of peace.
There was a time for happiness and fun in the land of the fee but that time has now past.
We have entered the dark days,the final chapter of mans rule on this cursed earth.
America has proven to be the great false hope to all who ignore God and worship the Lady.
She is no longer Libertas,just another easily bought off cheap whore.
The Chinese and Saudi's learned how easy it was to by her off.
It's a time for sorrow and mourning for the great evil being done by a nation which was once guided by a moral heart. As we have done so shall it be done unto us.
Since the beginning the US peace agenda in the Middle East has been to reward evil Islam at Israel's expense.Always portraying the front line jihadist Palestinian's as the poor trodden down and abused victims of Israel. This sinister approach has succeeded in brainwashing a majority of the world.America's drive to birth a 23 Islamic state in the heart of Israel has not diminished as the intent of brutality violence and intolerance of Islam towards Israel has been made know to all.It does not matter which party is in office the agenda of the evil elite who rule is the same against the Israel of God.
Since the beginning the US peace agenda in the Middle East has been to reward evil Islam at Israel's expense.Always portraying the front line jihadist Palestinian's as the poor trodden down and abused victims of Israel. This sinister approach has succeeded in brainwashing a majority of the world.America's drive to birth a 23 Islamic state in the heart of Israel has not diminished as the intent of brutality violence and intolerance of Islam towards Israel has been made know to all.It does not matter which party is in office the agenda of the evil elite who rule is the same against the Israel of God.
The evil duplicitous nature of the US against Israel under the guise of reaching peace has been downplayed by all but especially the majority of Israel's blind supporters who are madly driven to ignore the obvious.
In insane devotion to their replacement God,Israel has allowed itself to be weakened,and always restrained against an implacable enemy.
Since this perverse marriage of Israel to America Babylon Israel has been kept from defeating her enemies as we saw with Hizbollah in Lebanon in the summer of 2006 and with Hamas in Gaza in 2009.
The primary mission of the US has been to save Arab face from another defeat at the hands of the greatly outnumbered 'infidel' Jews.
The evil part America plays and it's abominable treachery has been camouflaged well in the diplomacy of seeking peace.
God is not blind and so easily deceived as mortal, stupid mankind when it comes to this crafty scheme.
He is going to return the treachery upon this depraved,perverse nation which assumes to trump His agenda with His people Israel.
Retribution will be hell for America.
Have you noticed ,it's already getting hotter and uglier here in the US ?
Trickle down lawlessness,chaos and destruction are what's on the menu and no tea party is going to put out the flames.
The future we so well deserve as the evil and reprobate nation we have chosen to become.
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