Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Million Hit By Plague Worse Than Swine Flu

A cocktail of three flu viruses are reported to have mutated into a single pneumonic plague, which it is believed may be far more dangerous than swine flu.......
A doctor in Western Ukraine who did not want to be named, said:” We have carried out post mortems on two victims and found their lungs are as black as charcoal.
“They look like they have been burned. It’s terrifying.”
3 viruses into one ,what are the odds of that and why did it take long to get this news out by the worthless Lame Stream Media ?
The mad govt scientists are getting quite open and brazen in order to bring in their NWO.
In the past it would have been too risky to mix a 3 way virus cocktail as it would arouse too many questions.
Today the masses are more easily fooled and led to their slaughter without asking too many questions.
The dumbing down process has been quite successful. 
The UK although very late has finally reported on this big news story

The entertainment and lie's driven US media will not cover this story ....yet, which leaves many questions.

I believe the average Joe reports of planes spraying something above theses two cities before the outbreak.
 The US has not stopped travel to and from the site of origin as usual and so we know this will spread ,has already spread when it could have been contained.I believe it is planned depopulation by the evil globalist elites.

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