Monday, November 09, 2009

Teacher Beheaded in Philippines

Compare the response and call to action of the President of the Philippines to this one murder and to the response of the U.S leadership towards Dr. Terrorist Hasan whom they groomed and incubated and continue to cover up for and you may understand why America is doomed.

You won't hear this news in any US Media outlet because they defend and protect this evil religion.
The reason ? It's part of their globalist agenda.
This is a big part of implementing their New Word Order, an Order that has no place for Israel .
The devil is in the details literally.
They go out of their way to cover up the truth and lie to the citizens whom they have successfully dumbed down on so many issues especially the nature of Islam.
This is part of God's judgment on the U.S.
He has made it's leaders dumb as dirt in order to bring our destruction.
If we had repented and turned away from our sin the flood of evil Islam that eats away the body from within would have dried up.
Instead those whose job it is to protect US citizens (H.S. Secretary Janet Napolitano) devote their time to importing more of them, protecting this cult of death,Islam and the flood of terrorists now spawning from within our borders.
These suicidal idiots in charge still haven't figured out why Major Moslem Hasan killed all those non Muslim soldiers at Fort Hood.
They never will because they are blinded and damned sheep headed for slaughter.
God has given the destroyers free reign to destroy us from within and from outside.
There is no escape from what He sends.

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