Saturday, November 27, 2010

19 year old Somali born Muslim terrorist targeted Portland Holiday gathering

I had to rewrite the mainstream media's headline on this story.
Notice how the degenerates in the media always leave out "muslim" ?
The scum of media  focus on 'teen' instead.
They fail in their job to ask questions but instead feed us the Government Propaganda lies.

There is no discussion on why the idiots in the U.S. Government keep bringing in these "muslim's" who are a growing threat to this country and why do they keep lying to us that Islam is a religion of peace ?
It's no wonder why the media never identify them as "muslim".
The dumbed down citizens might start waking up !

NATO member and ex-Israel ally Turkey threatens Israel.
For many decades a naive Israel had great confidence in their close relationship with Muslim Turkey.
If they had listened to God's word (Tanakh) they would have know this abnormal relationship was fleeting and Turkey would align with Russia and the Islamic hordes. Ezekiel 38
What is it going to take to awaken Israel from her misguided faith and deep slumber ?

When the Sheriff (?) comes knocking. Living in America 2010

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