Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jordan pulls a Turkey on Israel

Israel has been severely weakened under the U.S. led fakepeace scam.
Everyone sees it but Israel which wasted so many years trusting in their false ally and his lies.
Instead of trusting in God Israel trusted in lies.
Jordan as Turkey can see which way the wind is blowing.
If Israel had not allowed themselves to be restrained by the evil empire but instead defeated Hizbollah in the summer of 2006 and Hamas in January of 2009 it would be a much different scenario today.
God gave His people a choice ,they picked the wrong one.

Appeasement,retreat and restraint to please her false peace pimp America has damaged Israel more than they are willing to admit.  

Pouring gas on the fire
South Korea sending strong message to unstable nuts of North Korea
Are they trying to provoke a war ?
President Bush made things worse in Iraq than they were under Saddam Hussein.

The number of civilians killed by Bush's war far outnumber Saddam Hussein's attacks on his population and Kuwait and thanks to the fake conservative President Bush Bush Iran and Iraq are a united and growing Islamic Shiite threat.


Obama,proof positive that America is under God's hand of judgment
and that it's only going to get worse 

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