Israel blind faith in a
doubleminded hypocrite
Global Pimp in MeltDown
The president has to lie about his collossal Iraq failure as he is the one of two fool's left in denial about what is happening .
And yet Israel continues to follow failed U.S. policy related to the Palestinian terrorist entity.
exerpt ;
Have you noticed that shortly after Olmert’s visit to the White House he begins making concessions to these Arabs who call themselves Palestinians. In the mean time with the entire world watching Bush makes a trip to sit and talk with Putin who is providing the Iranians nuclear reactors, and who is the supplier of weapons to all the Islamic Arab Countries and all he can talk to Putin about is making sure Russia is brought into the WTO. Today we see Bush in Jordan meeting in a summit with all the Arabs about a peace with the "Palestinians" and the Israelis, but there is one obvious omission in the whole thing, there is no Israeli representation in the summit nor was any invitation extended.
All of a sudden we hear Olmert saying after his talk with Bush that he is willing to give up more land and Settlements to these blood thirsty Islamic killers. Is there any one on this planet who doesn’t’ know that peace cannot be made with these insane Islamic murderers besides Bush. Don’t get me wrong, I know he knows it can’t happen either, but I have been saying for years before he went into Iraq he had to appease the Islamic Arab World and he did it by putting Israel on the table promising to deliver Israel into the hands of the Arab World for sitting still while he invaded Iraq.
Now with Hamas a known Terrorist organization running the show in Gaza and the so-called West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and no possibility of a peace in Israel with them at the helm Bush still feels it necessary to make good on his promise to deliver Israel into the hands of the Islamic Arab World. Olmert like his Mentor Sharon have been bought and paid for and they both have been taking there orders from George W. Bush and dare not do or say anything without his permission.