Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bush Lacks common sense God gave a goose

Frosty's article (above link) provides incontrovertable evidence that this President is the instrument of God's judgemnt on America.
America gets the leader she deserves and a wicked nation gets a wicked wolf dressed in a sheeps costume.
It's only the backslid Christians who continue to fall for the smooth talker whose fruit are only death and chaos and soon coming civil war here at home.
I urge Christians not to fall into this trap of fighting as it is God who is setting up our destruction.
Repentance ,Godly wisdom,fear of God and humility only will save you.
Many of God's people have partaken and drunk from this poison well.
A majority of decieved Christians ran to elect him as the least of two evils.
He's turned out to be Satan's man for this hour.
It is incumbent on foolish Christians to repent of this serious error in their judgment before God sends even more strong delusion's upon them.
A curse is upon this land as the blessing has been rejected.

Postponing the day of reckoning

This article by John lays out the huge pile of crap that we are under as a nation.
here's the ending.

.........This shall not continue.

In summation, the threats I pose above are being postponed by not just our government, but the population as a whole. While many of us attempt to address these issues individually, they are all tied together now. The coming conflict can not be avoided, yet as a society, we prefer to watch "reality" television or enjoy the other diversions which keep our mind off the subjects. We have an entire religion where up to ten percent of it's followers want us slaughtered. We have an entire nation which is exporting it problem of poverty and slothfulness into our own. We have an entire subculture which is attempting to eliminate the history and beliefs of the people from the last two hundred plus years of our existence. And lastly, we have an economic elite class which has decided to shoplift the store until it's empty as they relocate their families and fortunes to a resort island of relative safety as we decline into second world status. The day of reckoning is not being just postponed by our society, it is being ignored. Eventually, all of the problems I have listed above will intersect, and that is the date we can not avoid.

That is the date that Americans will be confronted with their worst fear.

Much like that date when the Visigoths elected to no longer serve their masters, but instead slaughter them as the constant complacency created by "diversions" kept the Roman people asleep.

Welcome to what is defined as a major turning point in history folks. You're living it.


Anonymous said...

This is real "reality" tv!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link.
This is something the devious government media will keep away from the blind sheep headed for slaughter.
They work in tandem with their lord and Ilsam's lord.
That is why they cover upo the truth and call Islam a religion of peace. They have the SAME FATHER of lies.