Monday, April 09, 2007

Famine Coming to America

Famine,the sword and pestilence and much suffering.
The bee's which pollenate much of our food crop are disappearing.
The freeze last week killed much of the peach crop along with
other foods.
California a major food supplier, lost much to the freeze this winter
The drought in some areas grows worse.
Water shortage and control is in force in South Florida.
The price of food begins to skyrocket and many farmers are having difficulty adjusting to the higher price of corn to feed their farm animals.
Many farmers are no longer planting wheat or other food crops and planting more corn insted because of higher prices for ethanol fuel.
This will raise the cost of all foods.
A small number imbued with God given wisdom can connect the dots and are not so easliy seduced by the lies of Satan's earthly kings that all is well.

The masses are clueless as to the true threat's which pile up daily.
Most don't want to know, choosing blissful ignorance and Hollywood fantasy .
And for that they will die.
The majority will not awaken to the drastic changes to their lives from war, disease, falling economy and earthshaking natural events sent by God as His judgments only begin until it is too late.
Now is the time to awaken.
The door to repentance will close for most heardened souls.
He that endureth unto the end ...............


Anonymous said...

It's true, famine is coming to America. God sent a prophet to our church to let us know in advance. He said economy will fall, banks will close, food prices will be so high people will not afford, money and gold will be worth nothing. It's time for us to prepare spiritually as well as save up some food. Wake up America, God will test your faith!!!

Marcel said...

It's time for us to prepare spiritually as well as save up some food.

It will be too late for many who did not heed God's many warnings.

Just Praise Him said...

The famine coming to America is REAL. I began having visions of it in December of 2008. Everyone should be storing up for this. Details of the visions are on my website: