Friday, March 14, 2008

On the brink -Ships of Chittim part 2

Early this moring I heard a news report
(radio,nothing but fluff news on alphabet news channel's) about the aircraft carrier,USS Abraham Lincoln leaving port in Washington headed for the Persian Gulf and family crying as the ship left.
That was strange,unusual to hear them report about crying ?
A dream I had read many years ago came back to me and it took a while to find it.
I have a sense that this is it,the time is upon us now.
I've been wrong before and hope to be wrong again ,but too many things are falling into place ,too many things now.

There is another dream from jeff about our carriers attacked in the Persian Gulf by Russian Nuclear cruise missile and the nuclear attack on the U.S. at the same time.
This dream has always stuck with me and I've posted it here many times over the years.
I have no doubt that the planned U.S. attack on Iran will lead to the beginning of the tribulation period written in Revelation.
I get the strong feeling that Iran will not wait to be attacked and will do another Pearl Harbor.
What Bob says about our Naval Armada being hit from behind just strengthens this 'feeling' I have.

Bob Neuman's dream USS Abraham Lincoln

Old Dog Bob

another vision from 1993

USS Kitty Hawk 17th

As a watchman and not a prophet ,I watch and pray.


A Seed Sower said...

These dreams and visions are interesting. The only problem comes when man tries to put a date to them, then comes the error.
Men and women tend to become over zealous when God reveals something to them, and if He doesn't set a date,or time period, man tends to do it for Him. That is to put words in God's mouth...forbidden. Usually they are incorrect...God is always 100%correct, I have seen this in a lot of men of God including Leonard Ravinhill, who was incorrect in his asuming that certian things he mentions in his sermon,( which is great by the way), on judgment day, were going to occure back in Carters time..they did not...There are many well intentioned men of God who get so enthused that they take a wrong leap. Not to say that God's judgment is not about to decend upon the earth and it's inhabitants, we must be wary of those who tell you the timing, and then are found in error. A true prophet of God is not right 85% of the time, but 100% of the time. Amen...Thanks for sharing these links Marcel.

Marcel said...

I know date setting is dangerous and also that the season is upon us.
I'm watching to keep from falling asleep and to keep from being diverted away in these waneing hours.
Like a buffet with many things to pick and choose from,it's always risky as to what to put on the plate or leave off the plate.
I found this today and thought it was worth putting on the plate.

Wether we eat or pass on the entree is always our individual choice.
The alarm is sounding louder by the day and I'm watching the Persian Gulf determinadely because I believe this is where a miscalculation will set off the tribulation period.
I don't have a date but know T-day is approaching faster than ever.

I think like the boy who cried wolf too many times, all the warnings and even wrong date settings are meant to cause those whose hearts are not determined and set (as Habbakuk and Job's hearts were) to reject all prophecies and warnings.

A Seed Sower said...

Hey Marcel, I love what you are doing, you are keeping people awake and aware of the day and hour in which we are living. Keeping them informed on what's going on is very helpful to encourage people to draw ever closer to God.
I am just refering to some of what I read when i followed some of the links, and I do realise you don't necessarily agree with everything that's said on some of these sites...God Bless, keep up the good work for the Lord...